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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • My Beloved,

    Surely the ill-wisdom of envolving the 'Primitives' in the affairs of Mankind must be obvious to all?

    If great care is not exercised the poor people of the East may find that they have exchanged the tyranny of the 'Beast' for slavery at the claws of 'beasts'!

    Be humane, My Children, but do not give dumb animals ideas above their station. Let them live in the wild, their native habitat must be protected, but surely they have no place, outside of zoos, in the City's of mankind.

    Blessings upon you all,
    St Jon the Immaculate.


    • Turn 110/111 -> Sophix

      Indeed, this war with the Romans was started by the Mayans, but not because of any lust for profiteering on our part. Rather, the Mayan people heard the lamentations of the rest of the world for relief from Roman incursions and underhanded attacks. No-one was willing to take the bold step of resisting those attacks. It was only after reports reached my ears of the true depth of the strategy envisioned by the Roman government that the Mayan people rallied to risk life and limb to free the world of fear. Even if no-one else took up the call, Mayans were confident that they were doing the right thing.

      Not for profit...

      Indeed the Mayans felt that to keep the cities that they took, with all of their improvements in place would be shameful profiteering. Rather, the 'embassied' Romans chose to relocate into the cities of the Mayans with a decidedly higher standard of living - and with relocation costs paid in full from Mayan coffers, I might add.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • Turn 111 ==> Shavlor

        Jerusalem had been relieved of Roman oppression last turn. And another city will be freed next turn leaving only two cities. The wearabouts of which are unknown to Assyria. The Arch Bishop asks if other nations of the world know of the locations of these cities, we will be most thankful for the information.


        • Turn 111 --> Jon

          Shavlor has decided that since he will not be ruler for much longer that he will now mistreat his remaining workings.
          He will feed them little, pay them little, and make them work much.


          • Turn ===> Hexagonia

            Apologies worthy colleagues on the world stage, but I have had a brief absence and read your correspondence with interest.

            In response to the Roman pleas 'to end their misery' I will be only too pleased to take on the burden of administration of those cities bordering my own. The indigenous American peoples have never had any quarrel with the Romans (at least under my leadership) and so we have remained neutral in the great wars happening to the south. I will enter the fray, but only at the explicit invitation of the Roman people.

            With reference to St Jon questioning the wisdom of involving the 'primitives' in any partition of the former roman provinces, I can only draw to the attention of the other world powers, of facts that I am sure they are all only too well aware. Maintaining a balance of power is essential if we are all to prosper. If the strongest nation in the world advocates keeping the weakest weak, then surely we will all eventually become merely satellites, picked off one by one?

            In reply to noble Assyria, we'll let you know which cities we feel lie within our legitimate sphere of interest. Thank you for the curtsey of asking.

            President Chief Tom Red.


            • Turn 111 to Demos.

              My Beloved Friends,

              Be not nervous of Australian territorial aspirations nor that she seeks hegemony of the World. Remember that despite the enormity of suffering withstood by her people Australia has gained little, and that only by accident, from this Crusade. Never were our aims other than purely altruistic in nature and utterly selfless.

              'Let Love, Trust and Faith be'th thine guiding light.'

              Gospel according to St Jon, v.12 c.2


              • When this game hits my turn again im going to start a new thread.


                • Turn 111 ==> Tom Red


                  • Turn 111/112 -> Sophix

                    Since this post will not be read by anyone, I have nothing to say.
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

