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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • #16
    Beats me, I sent the turn to Tom Red two days ago. Does anyone know whether he is indesposed at present?

    It's good that we've sorted out the bug in the game, but jon's right, we were going at a turn a day.

    Come on Tom Red, let's keep it moving.


    • #17
      Can't we just set a time limit on Turns and if it's not played and posted, as we cannot use AI, just play the Turn and hit END and then post it on.

      I know it's harsh but if it's the only way......


      • #18
        Turn 78/79 -> Sophix

        The curse of the Native Americans continues to infiltrate this game - but we are up and limping again.

        Mayan scouts have reported a large contingent of Roman soldiers on the road. It seems that Shavlor is not dead yet.
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #19
          Turn 79 ==> Shavlor

          Yes, I think that something has to be done about the slow down in recent times. If I remember right, we had a 24 hour rule, it was ok as long as the players didn't do this often, but once it became too often or too long, they would be set to AI. and IMHO if its only done for one turn opening and closing isn't horribly harsh, in fact it may be better than AI. especially if your movements are queued.

          So I think that if this occurence continues to happen the 24 hour rule will go into to effect, with opening and closing instead of AI. Any way I think I'll email Tom Red and ask him to check the forums.


          • #20
            Greetings and humble apologies from the struggling Native Americans.
            We are emerging from a period of anarchy and will aspire to the highest diplomatic standards in the future.
            Thank you for all you magnificent welcoming gifts, they will help us in the restructuring and peaceful devlopment we are undertaking.
            Chief Tom


            • #21
              Turn 79 to Demos.

              If the New Chieftan of the NA's wishes to receive further benefit of the fruits of Australian learning then I suggest that he treat our Ambassador with more respect this time. His mission is in no way sinister as has been stated Australia has no hostile intent and our cold and weary troops would be far happier to depart from the Icy North back to their Marshy homeland.

              Hex I am not overjoyed at the presence of a Mayan Diplomat hard by poor little Katherine when he had long ago forfilled his mission. His only other possible task therefore could be espionage and please remember that we are supposed to be friends and such underhand tricks as peering into a friends City are extremely unlikely to foster good will.

              Shavlor, I can only express my deepest sorrow and regret at the 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'. Assailed on two sides and without friends you are indeed a pitiful 'Beast'. At least, though, be assured that you have one secure frontier and one trustworthy neighbour who will never stray from the path of Peace and Love.

              I will pray for you.

              St Jon.


              • #22
                Turn 79 ==> Tom Red

                Welsh forces have regrouped and now march onward towards their next city. Roman musketeers appear to be falling over themselves to be killed by Welsh cannons, and it is widely reported that the bombardiers are now taking bets as to what their final tally will be.


                • #23
                  turn 97 ===> Hexagonia

                  Greeting Australians, it is good to have contact with the outside world.


                  • #24
                    Whatever turn it is, it is now in Sophix's hands now.

                    The Mayan diplomat has withdrawn 1 tile into land that Australia has no claim to. The Mayan diplomat did not think he was within Australian territory in the first place.

                    Besides, the Mayan nation thinks that the Australians should be more grateful to the sacrifices that the Mayan soldiers have made so that the Australian nation can now enjoy the fruits of such a lofty ranking in the power graph. If not for the Mayans, the Romans would still occupy that coveted slot.

                    Its too bad that the sacrifices that my people endure for the nations of the world goes unnoticed - but we still hold our heads high knowing we do what is right. After all, justice is its own reward!!
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #25
                      Turn 80 --> Jon

                      The evil Assyrains were attacked today because of their large army which Sophix headed for one of Romans peaceful cities.


                      • #26
                        Turn to Demos.

                        Australia acknowledges that she has grown fat on the efforts of others but remains committed to the path of Peace. We are a loving and gentle people who can only sit back in horror at the death and destruction that is occuring to the West of us.

                        Please Brothers and Sisters follow our example and send your troops back to their barracks and build other than weopons of war. We plead with you to end this dreadful and one-sided war which even 'The Beast' does not deserve. Now we hear rumours that the Assyrians have joined in this orgy of killing and it must be obvious that even 'The Beast' cannot hope to survive a Three Front War.

                        This is nothing short of Genocide and though their leader might be the most loathsome creature ever spawned from the bowels of Beelzebub himself his people do not deserve this. Rightly this vile creature must be brought to justice but please show mercy and cease this awful campaign of nihilism!

                        To Chief Tom Red. Shift your Phalanx this Turn so that my Army may return home or it dies and Seminole shares it's fate upon the next. I am merciful but you are taxing my patience so please act swiftly as I have no desire to return to Musket and Cannon when so much else needs to be done.

                        St Jon the Benificent.

                        BTW. I am thinking about Deifying myself as I think I'm just too wonderful and full of love and tenderness to remain a mere Saint.


                        • #27
                          Turn 80 ==> Tom Red

                          Hispalis falls! Demosthenes hails another Welsh victory against the Roman forces. With minimal loss of life the Welsh stride ever closer to the heart of the Roman Empire. TAFKAB beware!

                          Sorry guys, I've got a bit of a problem here. Family crisis, personal, don't want to go into any details, but I'll be away for at least two, maybe three days.

                          Really, sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Hope to be back by the weekend.


                          • #28
                            turn 80 -=====> Hexagonia

                            No much happening in the indian wilds.

                            Australians should now have clear passage.


                            • #29
                              Turn 80/81 -> Sophix

                              Looks like we are on hiatus again - No problem!!
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                              • #30
                                Turn 81 ==> Shavlor

