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Swissy1 pbem turn posting part2

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  • #76
    Turn 95 -> Jon
    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


    • #77
      Turn 95 to Methos about 9 hours ago.


      • #78
        Turn 96 -> Jon

        I have moved my unit so that it is on the trade route. It will remain there until I can build a road to and reset the trade routes.
        "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


        • #79
          Turn 96 to Lung the Slave Trader.

          Your latest outrage will not be forgotten and vengence shall be mine!!!


          • #80
            Turn 97 -> Jon

            Good thing I have walls around all my cities.
            "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


            • #81
              Turn 97 to Lung the Reviled.

              I will find that Slaver of your's!!!!


              • #82
                What slaver, big chief?? I have no slavers, and no slaves. And i can prove it to you too, dude .

                Give me a dozen or so turns and feast your eyes on my ABOLITIONIST!!! As any self-respecting CTP player knows, you cannot create abolitionists when you have slaves or slavers. Okay, so i could kill my slaver off, but a) i'm not sure it would work, and b) do you think i'm so stupid as to start using slavers at this late stage when everyone has city walls?

                Personally, i think this is a blatant use of propoganda by the conniving English to foster suspicion with my fellow civilisations

                The Australian people have not forgotten the English ruthlessness in killing our missionaries. If the English think this gives them an excuse to attack the peaceful Australians, they will be confronted with fomidable defences, and a vengeful people.

                Jon of the English - you have been warned...


                • #83
                  Dishonourable Lung.

                  Know you that a Slave Raid was conducted upon a newly constructed City that had lacked time to construct a City Wall!

                  You are the only one who would stoop to such depths as the honour and integrity of Lord Swissy is unquestionable and no other has the opportunity to commit such an outrage.

                  The severed head of your heinous trafficer in human flesh shall presented at the very gates of Sydney as the proof of your guilt! Be not mistaken - He will be found.


                  • #84
                    Turn 98 -> Jon, Hunter of Aussie slavers
                    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                    • #85
                      Turn 98 to Lung

                      Swissy get that second Samuri off my land or he will have an unfortunate accident with an English Lance!

                      The 1st I do not like but will tolerate for your timescale but the 2nd not. Move him or lose him!


                      • #86
                        So, you don't _really_ know who's slaver it was, do you Jon? You can search all you want, but you won't ever find an Australian slaver, because they don't exist. Nor will you find an Australian city with the little chains above the city name.

                        So let's take this opportunity to look at the history of relations between the Australians and the English. First contact was made about 2000BC (??) and relations were warm. However, since the great English leader Steve passed on the reins to Jon, relations have deteriorated.

                        An Australian missionary made an error of judgement and paid for it with his life at the hands of the ruthless Jon. The English have since taken advantage of the situation by using it to encourage trespassing and harrassment by his military. Further infractions by Australians towards the English have not eventuated, as the wishes of the English have been honoured.

                        A senior and trustworthy diplomat - a personal friend of Lung the Legendary, was brutally murdered whilst trying to establish an embassy in good intentions with the English. It should be noted that an English diplomat was allowed to establish an embassy after this incident. Now we have a supposed diplomatic incident involving a slaver which has been branded as an Australian despite lack of positive identificatiion.

                        As a final act of Australian goodwill, i will send a diplomat to an English city to establish an embassy. We will also co-operate with the English to establish a border between our two civilisations, of which none can pass.

                        From there, we will happily enter in a trade agreement to better each other's civilisation, and to further foster good relations.

                        We offer this in good faith, and hope the English can do the same. Let it be seen by the entire world, that the Australians are a reasonable and generous people.

                        In the mean time, i suggest you find the real culprit, for we will be vigilant against the threat of such insidious and cowardly acts. In fact, we will further extend our friendly hand by opting into a crusade against the real culprit.

                        Lung the Legendary.

                        [This message has been edited by Lung (edited March 19, 2000).]


                        • #87
                          Legendary One,

                          You are indeed correct that I do not in truth know the true identity of the Slaver as the aggressive troop movements of the NA's give grounds for suspicion.

                          The fact remains that Australia has cost us 1000g by her evangelical efforts and this cannot be forgotten, let alone forgiven, until a genuine gesture of good faith is demonstrated.

                          I fail to recall the killing of an Australian Diplomat but merely of your heretical money grabber. An Australian Diplomat will be tolerated but be aware that our guard is now up and any further outrages committed against English Cities will cause us to regard any who enter English lands as hostile.

                          Until that Slaver is apprehended and given a swift, but painful, lesson in English justice we shall not rest.


                          • #88
                            Turn 99 -> Jon

                            The Great Chief Swissy has found to many palefaces to near our hunting grounds. The English were foolish to build cities so close to our lands. The city we have taken will serve as a barrier to futher whiteman incursions, and as a reminder of the folly of such an ill-conceived expansion plan.
                            "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                            • #89
                              Lung the Legendary is prepared to negotiate a border with Big Chief Swissy, so our peoples can live unhindered. We do not wish to impede on Native American land, inadvertently or otherwise. We look forward to further communication with the Native American people.


                              • #90
                                Turn 99 to Lung

                                Good King Jon is sore with rage at the fate of the town of his youth. That in order to expel the primitives he was forced to raise it to the ground has made his fury still greater.

                                Be aware Chief Swissy that none are as adept at dealing with indigenes as we English. You should consult with your Shamens and inquire as to the fate of the Seminole, Tupi, Mohawk and Iroquois! Do they still hunt in the forests of their ancestors? Perhaps converse with Lung of the Australians would reveal to you our gentle treatment of the native Tasmanian people whom we killed for sport. Inquire of him as to the number of them that do still roam their ancient hunting grounds.

                                The fate of these peoples will now be shared by yours. We offered peace but you in your folly chose war. You took our people into bondage with your 'late' foul Slaver! That too shall not be forgotten.

                                Prepare to meet your Ancestors!

