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DeathMatch Modern ver 1.2.1

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  • #16
    Turn 2 -> Keygen, Greeks
    ******* I LOVE THIS GAME ******
    Sophanthro: I wonder how many units you lost trying to take that little city of yours back...
    (BTW its bad that we can't see the battles like we do in single player or multiplayer...)

    Shavlor: That mighty navy of yours won't help you take back ROME...!!!
    BTW country without capital is really voulnerable...
    And remember it was you who started the war between us...
    The mighty Romans are shown as very weak in my diplomacy chart...and Greeks haven't played yet...hehehe

    There is a new Nation in the game Turks...Keygen as representative of the great Greek nation plaese take "care" of them...

    [This message has been edited by Tilemacho (edited March 31, 2000).]
    One Life One Game...


    • #17
      I finally moved in! Yeah, better house more joy! I've got a phone too! I'll be able to play & send the turn at the same day!
      Thanks anyone for your patience!

      Turn to MOBIUS and ...much cry for Shavlor.
      [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited April 04, 2000).]


      • #18

        None shall stand in the way of the Blitzkrieg!

        So long Oryx!!!

        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #19
          Turn 3 --> Sophix

          The Romans are soon to know death. First 3 of their cities fall to enemy hands then the Turks revolt and now I only have two cities.


          • #20
            Turn 3 ==> Tilemacho

            Make that one city Shavlor

            Will Shavlor beat my record dead in three turns.


            • #21
              Turn 3 -> Keygen
              Well I desided to let you live...
              One Life One Game...


              • #22
                I will be away Apr 6th to 9th please sent me to AI while I am away remember to sent me to AI just open the chat window with the "`" then type "/attact 1" to undo this just type "/detact 1"


                • #23
                  Who has turn 3?
                  I thought when I got back my empire was going to be gone I guess not


                  • #24
                    And I finally played it! Sorry guys so much things to do.
                    Well, Shavlor is dead!!! Roman empire has fallen, in three turns!
                    The Greeks defeated one more time the Romans proving the superiority of the Greek nation.
                    So four players left including me.
                    Hm ...I wonder ...who's next?

                    Turn to MOBIUS.


                    • #25
                      Turn 3 not yet received!
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #26
                        turn 4 to Sophix

                        Troy has fallen!!!

                        (Paris was taken)!!!
                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • #27
                          Turn 4 ==> Tilemacho

                          The turks welcomed the Egyptians into thier city.


                          • #28
                            Shavlor left in the desolate lands swears that he will take revenge on Keygen and destroy him once he has the chance.


                            • #29
                              Well I sent turn 3 to keygen several days ago but he didn't post anything since then, neither did he mail me that he didn't get the turn!
                              One Life One Game...


                              • #30
                                Well I sent turn 3 to keygen several days ago but he didn't post anything since then, neither did he mail me that he didn't get the turn!
                                One Life One Game...

