Hi. I've just returned to CTP after a long hiatus from the game. One of the things that lured me back is all the wonderful Mods that have put out. Currently I am running with the 1.2 patch, 1.21 Hack, and Wes' Med Mod 3.0 (and all it includes: CDsMod, Harlan's graphics, AweseomAAIP, PowerSLICS 2000, a modified Nordicus trade goods and of coursed the Medieval Mod itself--I think that covers everything in the download).
I haven't tried out the multiplayer aspects of CTP and I'm itching to give it a try. Anybody out there want to start up a PBEM using the above mentioned mods? (1.2, Hack1.21 and Medmod 3.0)
If so let's get some discussion going..
Look forward to hearing from you..
PS: My preferences for a game are:
- The aforementioned (twice) patches/mods
- 4 human players and a handful of AIs to spice things up (They are much more competitive with the medmod..much, much more)
- Regular size map
- tends towards drier and 3 or 4 continents as opposed to 1 big one or many islands
- low trade goods
- Barbarians-no pref
I am amenable to just about any changes from those preferences however.
[This message has been edited by Lord Jack (edited April 05, 2000).]
I haven't tried out the multiplayer aspects of CTP and I'm itching to give it a try. Anybody out there want to start up a PBEM using the above mentioned mods? (1.2, Hack1.21 and Medmod 3.0)
If so let's get some discussion going..
Look forward to hearing from you..
PS: My preferences for a game are:
- The aforementioned (twice) patches/mods
- 4 human players and a handful of AIs to spice things up (They are much more competitive with the medmod..much, much more)
- Regular size map
- tends towards drier and 3 or 4 continents as opposed to 1 big one or many islands
- low trade goods
- Barbarians-no pref
I am amenable to just about any changes from those preferences however.
[This message has been edited by Lord Jack (edited April 05, 2000).]