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New World Sceinario PBEM

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  • #31
    Well Shavlor, I had so little time yesterday (you know, unpacking )to spend for the map that I took a quit fast look at it. I'll try to spend more time tonight .
    I would like two corrections to be made.
    1st: I would like "San Fransisco" to be moved one tile southeast at the grassland tile next to Mississipi river and rename it to "New Orleans".
    2nd: I would like "Philadelphia" to be sitting on grassland or forest or Jungle but not on swamp. I won't be able to change the tile to some other type in the future. So live the city on the same location but change the tile to one of the above types and change a nearby grassland tile to swamp to balance the area. Rename the city to "Miami".
    By the way I like the map very much. It reminds me "RISK" a bit. I used to play it a lot some years ago (not in computer), hehe.

    I suggest to begin the senario at most at the weekend
    And may the best win!

    --President Keygen--


    • #32
      Huts: Yes
      One question Shavlor you accept all my propositon , included with my send attachment ? [I sorry if I send this file too late ]

      [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited April 05, 2000).]


      • #33
        Ok I moved both Keygen and Krzys cities.
        I am about to resend the Sceinario. I leaving tomarrow for 4 days that is 1PM Apr 6th to 5PM Apr 9th (time is GMT) 5 PM tp 9PM EST.
        I added huts and tried playing will them to see if the barbarains would come but since no barbars. I guess we can't play with them unless someone figures out why there are no barbars even at max setting.
        I updated the votes up top.
        There is now a tie with the huts. 2 yes 2 no 2 don't care. I am strongly against the huts so if no changes their mind then there will be no huts but if the majority wants them then huts it will be.


        • #34
          Ok I sent away ver 0.2
          Like I said before I will be away Apr 6th to 9th so if you have any questions I can't answer them til the 9th.


          • #35
            I'm back!
            If there is no no problem with the scenario then I hope to start it soon.


            • #36
              Shavlor, I sent you a post.

              Everything is fine by me and I look forward to a successful Pearl Harbour!

              I've also heard the beaches of Rio are the haunt of some lovely latin fillies and look forward to sipping a Pina Colada surrounded by the little darlings!


              • #37
                Yeah Jon, maybe we should consider spending our vacation to Rio hanging around with beautiful women and having Shavlor serving coctails, hehe.
                OK, I like it! No problem. Man, I might like this game more than any other I've played before. Cool map! The ideal number of players for the map's size and at perfect positions!
                OK, ready to begin!


                • #38
                  Ok I forgot to move Krzystofs one city other than that the map is the same. If any one wants the new scenario then just email me. I will start this game tomarrow if no one complains til then.
                  Keygen and Jon yes you will be visiting Rio very soon but unfortantly, for you, POWs don't have the best of living conditions.


                  • #39
                    Hey Shavlor, just because you're going to have some extra time on your hands with the 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' it's no excuse to get all frolicsome and suggest that anyone should visit Rio other than as simply Conquerers, sorry I meant Tourists!


                    • #40
                      Hm, It could be a good idea to split South America into zones. I'll take the north territories and establish a coffee industry to export the famous Brazilian coffee to all over the world and Jon, you could take the south territories to exploit the domestic production of fresh beef.
                      Maybe we could sell Shavlor's Brazilians (Portuguese colonists in Brazil) to Mobius' Zulus as slaves just to reverse history.


                      • #41
                        Assyrian empire location in wonderful place. Our Capitol, legendary city Ninevah, lie in the heart of World, here to cross very important route from North [Europe] to Sound [S-Asia] and East [Wild Africa] to West [central Asia]. In other words ALL ROAD TO NINEVAH !!!


                        • #42
                          Well well we shall see what shall happen. I am starting the game now look for the new thread for turns.
                          The Brazilains are planning on forcing the pathatic Americans and Japanesse to be slaves, sorry Servents, under the great Leader Shavlor.


                          • #43
                            Opps almost forgot.
                            I made ver 3.0.
                            Only difference is that each city now has one phalanx. I am sending it out to each of you.

