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New World Sceinario PBEM

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  • #16
    I would prefer Deity but I will take what I'm given.
    As there are no Goodie Huts I definitly vote no to Barbarians. All pain - No gain.


    • #17
      Difficulty - Deity

      Barbarians - Some

      BTW maybe we could add a load of island groups in the oceans - like The Azores, Canaries, Ascension Is. in the Atlantic, Seychelles etc in the Indian and Fiji, Easter Is. (you could get a hut with the heads and put it on the Easter Is. Sq!!!) in the Pacific...

      Not only would this be a more accurate rep. of the map, but it would help in gameplay as jumping off/staging points otherwise the oceans will remain barriers until the modern age... (looking forward to aircraft carriers though!). There is a historical significance too as the Polynesians successfully colonised the Pacific by 'island hopping'... Maybe Greenland could also be green again - just like the Vikings would have seen it...?

      Just some suggestions...

      Great map BTW!

      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #18
        Superb map and this is the second time in a row I've been given utterly lovely terrain!!!

        I've sent you a post with a jpeg atached showing the only alteration that I would like and that is the movement of Edo by one square up the river to avoid overlap.

        I seem to have already made a considerable leap towards the colonisatiion of China! Good thing too as without any ocean going vessels I'd have been right up the creek else! I guess I should have thought of that one before going for the Japs?

        I'd like Edo moved but if it's too much hassle then no worries. I just love the land!! My little orientals will breed like rabbits.


        • #19
          Ok I have moved Jon's cities and Mobius's cities. I still need to hear from the others.
          Mobius I think that no islands need to be added for people to sail to the new world, since longboats can do this job fine. Also triemes can do this job if you go around the north or the south. But I will put this to a vote. Also althrough it would be cool looking to have the hut in easter island, the votes say no huts so far.
          Also Mobius in true life Greenland was never green, the Vikings used the name to get immagants there.
          I realize that We now need some new voting issues.
          These new voting issues are
          1: Do we want islands placed in the Alantic or Pacific.
          2: Do we want any Wonders removed from the game. I can build them and sink them in a city if that is desired.

          My votes:
          Huts - no
          Diffeculty - Deity
          Barbarains - no
          Islands - no
          Wonders - all wonders in game

          Ok now the voting issues.
          First: AI
          There will be no AIs

          Second: Huts
          2 yes
          2 no
          2 Don't care
          We have a tie here unless some thing changes we will have no huts

          Third: Goods
          There will be goods I am using the ones already placed

          Fourth: Difficulty
          King - 1
          Diety - 5
          It will be Diety (sorry Arthur)

          Fifth: Barbarains
          None - 2
          Some - 2
          Lots - 2
          It seems that we can't have barbarains

          Sixth: Add Islands
          Yes - 2
          No - 3
          Undecided - 1
          Keygen we still need you to vote here

          Seventh: Wonders in Game
          Yes all - 5
          No Edison - 1
          Sorry Jon but we are going to play with all wonders

          Please reply to the new votes and email me if you want your cities moved

          PS: I will send out the new map once everyone has replied. Also I didn't make this map it is from the Apolyton mod pack. I only placed the cities.
          [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 01, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 03, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 03, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 04, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 05, 2000).]


          • #20
            Islands = Big No
            I know who's sitting across the Pacific!!
            Wonders = Don't Care.


            • #21
              dif.: Deity
              New Votes
              wonders:All available
              [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited April 03, 2000).]


              • #22
                Krzysztof I need to know if you want any of your cities moved. I am also wanting for Arthur and Keygen.
                I have updated the votes above.


                • #23
                  The map is fine. I vote no islands and for all wonders.


                  • #24
                    On the issue of Wonders I would like to recast my vote to: Don't Care about Wonders except Edison.

                    I've not yet encountered it in an MPG but I know that SP it is basically a passport to victory and has a very distorting effect on the game. It is very like Leonardo in Civ2 in that you really cannot fail when you've got it and that to me is far too powerful!

                    BTW, What size is this Map?


                    • #25
                      Jon good point, although in SP in usally I am getting science at 3 - 6 turns when I build Edison and it usually gives me the tech when I only need 2 turns left. But that is usally and I can see it doing some thing quite different.
                      Jon I beleive this is a hugh map. but I don't know for sure. It doesn't seem big enough for gigaintic.
                      I changed the votes again.
                      Keygen I still need your input.
                      Also Krzysztof I still need to know if your cities ae in good location or if you want them moved.


                      • #26
                        Hi guys! Greedings from President Keygen! I see so many new replies from the last time I accessed this topic. Damn, I ...apologize for been absent but I was moving to a new house in the weekend and I even took off Monday from job to unpack. I haven't opened the map yet but I'll probably take a look tonight.

                        Well, about the votes:

                        AI: I haven't play with any modified AI before so whatever you decide is fine.
                        Huts: If you mean ruins, yes I would like some.
                        GOODS: goods aids to earn gold and gold aids to develop advances faster so the whole game might go faster too if there are lot of goods.
                        DIFFICULTY: Of cource Diety! What wargamers are we if not playing Diety!
                        BARBARIANS: Lots! Consider them as natives (e.g. a barbaric horde in Spain could be native Spanish!). I thing it migth be more realistic and more fun that way .
                        EXTRA ISLANDS: I haven't seen the map yet so what ever you decide.
                        WONDERS: Yeah, all of them! And why not "Edison's Lab"? There is "Internet" also or you could use spies to steal Advances form the one who will discover first the "Edison's Lab" advance and to be benefit you as well.

                        PS: Hehe Jon, the Pacific won't do any good to you. As soon as I get some navy nothing would save you from been overtaken by the mighty American marines! You see we must obey to history, hehe .


                        • #27
                          Yes, if it is posible please city Nineveh change place with Uruk. And to move City Assur some squares down in river. [ that by this city can get 3 thabacco goods ]
                          [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited April 04, 2000).]


                          • #28
                            Shaka of the Zulus dictates that we should have ALL wonders...

                            Shaka agrees with the great Keygen about Edison's Lab - everyone will have an equal chance to get it... There is an old Zulu saying:-

                            "if you can't stand the heat - get out of the food preparation hut..."

                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • #29
                              Ok Krzysztof I moved Assur and I will just move the capital to Uruk.
                              Note to everyone. The cities' names are different since I had to destroy the old ones and create new ones.
                              Keygen I am expecting a long critic of the map so please don't disapoint me.
                              Also Keygen If you want I think I can manage some slick to make it so that America starts in 1776AD instead of 4000BC. Ofcource by that time you would be surrounded by your friendly neighbors the great Brazilains.
                              I have updated the votes above

                              Krzysztof Do you want huts? (This could make a tie)
                              Mobius do you want Wonders?
                              [This message has been edited by Shavlor (edited April 04, 2000).]


                              • #30
                                Well I guess no one every thought to try playing in SP or they would have discovered something.
                                We can't play with barbarians with out huts.
                                I can't even add barbarains units since the map will not allow it. I could add extra civs units but then they will need cities to support themselfs. So unless we have huts it doesn't look like we can with out huts.
                                Actually I will confess I haven't tried adding huts and try having barbarains it might not work either.

