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Want to play! What do I do???

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  • Want to play! What do I do???

    How do I start?

    The Mods and Patches etc look like a minefield - what do I get for PBEM? Do these clash with the single player enhancements...

    What is the best config to be able to run both???


    Would love to start a game ASAP, I've been reading some of the threads - some really great games going...


  • #2
    All you need for playing pbem games is the 1.2 version (search for "1.2" under downloads on
    Some players like to use additional mods or patches to make the game more fun. It is a good idea to have the same patches as the other players on your computer. Remember to read the readme files carefully, otherwise you might encounter difficulties with loading the game.

    Hope this answers your question.



    • #3
      Ok, here goes:

      Patches 1.2 & 1.21 hack are pretty much standard. You need 1.2 to play PBEM's and 1.21 irons out some of the bugs in 1.2 and in the original game.

      After that it varies. A lot of people play with a mod called Dutchese which is designed for multi play and won't affect single player games.

      Another one that seems to be becoming popular is Cd's mod which most people like for single player games. I don't know how it works for multi's but someone should be able to tell you.

      My Advice:
      - Install 1.2 & 1.21 Hack
      - Pick a game that you want to join and ask them what mods the creator is using. They should be able to help you from there.

      If you don't want to use the same mod for single player games there are often easy ways to convert back and forwards, otherwise it may be easiest to install to copies of the game, if you have space, and use one for single and one for multi.

      Hope this helps :-)


      • #4
        There is a post by Lord Jack from a few days ago looking to start a PBEM game. He's still looking for players. It will probably use the patches (1.2 & 1.21 hack) and Med Mod 3.


