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The war against the great tyrant contuines. spy report come in from the mighty Welsh nation saying," Yes indeed the Mighty Demos did make his speach today, but unlike what you would suspect it was to his nobles and high ranking class and not the peasants. The nobles ofcource agreed that Demos was doing a fine job but the peasants who were questioned gave a different reply. They demanded to be freed from his evil cluches and begged that the mighty Roman leader would also come and free them. The troops are on the way at this very moment to come and liberate them from oppession.
The war against the great tyrant contuines. spy report come in from the mighty Welsh nation saying," Yes indeed the Mighty Demos did make his speach today, but unlike what you would suspect it was to his nobles and high ranking class and not the peasants. The nobles ofcource agreed that Demos was doing a fine job but the peasants who were questioned gave a different reply. They demanded to be freed from his evil cluches and begged that the mighty Roman leader would also come and free them. The troops are on the way at this very moment to come and liberate them from oppession.