After getting tired of always beating the AIs, I wanted to try playing with humans, so I clicked multiplayer and selected the Activision server in California, which seems to attract the most people. I started a game with 1 person, and played non-stop for hours.The game was just getting really interesting when I got a message that the connection to the host was lost, and just like that, the game was over. All that time and effort lost. I couldn't even return to the lobby, but had to restart the CTP software. By the time I got back to the lobby, my partner was gone, as was my game. In fact, all the games seemed to be gone, and there was no one there. And, no, I hadn't saved the game. I don't even know how to while still playing in multiplayer.
Today, I decided to try again. By now, I had learned how to chat during the game, and was really having a good game, when after a couple of hours, the same "lost connection to the host" message came up again. And again, a lost game, and no sign of my fellow player.
So why do you think I keep losing the connection? And is it possible to keep saving as one plays multiplayer without breaking up the game? This has been so frustrating, so if anyone has advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.