The Aztec Assembly, today, decried the mockery the Assyrian leader Don made of the name of the beloved First Citizen. A resolution demanding an apology was passed, though the language was unclear what measures would be taken if one was not forthcomming. The Eagle Party proposed research into enlightened thinking would cause an ancient wonder being built by Don to become obsolete. Many wondered what could be considered a proper apology, and if some sort of compensation would be involved. First Citizen Swisazuma has thus far been silent on the whole matter.
On another matter, the First Citizen announced the exchange of Aztec knowledge of mechanical timekeeping for German research on higher education systems. Swisazuma commented on remarks by the German pontif Jak, on the appearence of deception in earlier Aztec claims paucity in the area of science. He noted the recent advances made through discovery, from the exploration of the Great Island in the northern area. Remains of a great ancient civilization have been found. It has been theorized these were our ancestors whoses civilization died out because of the rugged area the ruins were found. With no rivers and thick forests the cities were abandoned by groups seeking areas to prosper. To compensate the Germans for any slight they might feel, Swisazuma has sent them a grand fireworks show for Berlin. The technicians will remain in Berlin to instruct the Germans in how to make fireworks.
[This message has been edited by Swissy (edited February 11, 2000).]