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Accelerated PBEM game turn posting

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  • #31
    Obviously, i just love talking to myself!

    Turn 33 to FireRedRam.....


    • #32
      Turn 33 to Lung


      • #33
        Turn 33 hasn't turned up yet, Steve. Maybe it's in transit, but two hours have lapsed, so maybe you sent it to my old address?

        Make sure that you're sending it to


        • #34
          Turn 34 to FireRedRam, not that anyone seems to care!


          • #35
            I'm back again...
            In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!


            • #36
              Hmmm...two days and no further developments. Have you played turn 34 yet, FireRedRam? If no response is posted soon, we may have to assume that FireRedRam has had some trouble playing his turn and attach an AI to him in the short term.

              Actually, as Methos has returned, perhaps i should replay my turn and send it to Methos, and Methos attach an AI to him instead?

              Comments, guys?


              • #37
                Well, the Lung has decided with some agreement from Methos (who obviously fears what damage the AI could do with one more turn) to replay my turn, send it to Methos (funny, that) and get Methos to attach an AI to FireRedRam seeing as he seems to have gone temporarily AWOL.

                Turn 33 to Methos (turn 33 Methos immediately precedes turn 34 FireRedRam)

                FireRedRam, just holler when you ressurrect!


                • #38
                  I haven't gone anywhere, and all my turns have been played. What do you mean I went AWOL??????????


                  • #39
                    Whoops! So who has the turn?

                    Methos, i think that you can delete the replayed turn that i sent you.

                    I think that this is why turns should be posted on the messageboard, particularly when any length of time lapses before you play your turn.

                    Sorry FireRedRam! You can get your revenge when you find me (you can try, at least )


                    • #40

                      [This message has been edited by DON (edited November 09, 1999).]


                      • #41
                        MESSAGE TO FIREREDRAM -

                        Did you send your turn to Steve? He has been on AI in Monkey's 2nd PBEM game. If you sent it to Steve, i think that you should replay it and set Steve to AI and send it to me instead.

                        And as for you, Don, i saw your post before you edited it! Trying to incite invasions from across the galaxy, are we? Luckily my evil twin brother has a civilisation on your world and will extract revenge forthwith!!


                        • #42
                          Now, I am extremely confused.
                          I did as we agreed, set FireRedRam on AI and sent the turn to Steve.
                          Now, should I replay my turn and send it to FireRedRam???
                          Or should I just ignore everything and wait for the next turn to show up again?
                          In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!


                          • #43
                            Turn 34 to Methos!

                            Methos, just play the turn i'm sending you now, and send it to FireRedRam. I think we should post our turns on this messageboard, especially when someone is on AI. That way, when they get back they can see where the game is.

                            Just a thought!


                            • #44

                              Steve sent me an email asking to be taken off AI. I sent that turn out Sunday I believe. If I still need to replay it, let me know.


                              • #45

                                Seeing as you probably already have then next turn, and the fact that confusion has reigned over the last few days, i suggest we stick to the sequence that we're currently in. Obviously, when you get turn 35 from Methos (if you haven't already), detach Steve's AI before he inherit's his civilisation in ruins! Heaven knows, i'm still recovering from what the AI did to mine...

