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Semi Accelerated PBEM Game Turns

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  • #16
    If so, should I go into F.R.R.'s 'turn' to use the chat menu, attach the AI, and then end turn?


    • #17
      Not sure, since I'm new at this too...

      If you go into FRR turn, I think you would see his setup and location - obviously good for you - not for the rest of us .

      What you probably have to do is redo your last turn the same way you have already done it (which is a hassle, I know), and attach the AI there - at least that is my assumption.

      A couple of suggestions before proceeding:

      Contact Sophix by email for any input, if this is the correct way to handle attatching the AI .

      Then contact FRR by email - if there is no response by Sunday 10:00 PM EST (3 1/2 days after last turn was sent), then go ahead and attach AI.

      I don't mind getting online to check for turns, but I do not want to have to do it constantly. I don't even mind if someone wants to back out of the game - if someone want to quit, say so and move on. It's no big deal to me - I wouldn't flame/trash anyone if they were honest with not wanting to play. But please, let us know, so the game can continue. Hey, if anyone was getting severely beaten up with absolutely no chance of getting back into the game, then you might as well attach an AI to your player, and get on with your life.

      It probably will help for all of us to get on a regular schedule for turns (particular days and times), so we can know when to look for it. Sophix had a schedule, which looked good for daily turns.

      The following should be on the schedule too:
      - Days playing
      - Time playing
      - The file should arrive at the next player's computer an hour before playing time.

      Even if we can knock out a turn every other day, that would be pretty good.

      (sorry for the ranting)...Sophix, are you out there?
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #18
        As it was I who passed the game onto Fire Red Ram, does that mean I have to do it?

        If so, please tell me how?!


        • #19
          What's gone wrong guys?
          We seem to have stalled very very early.


          • #20
            Man this sucks. I'm unsure about what to do, in case I *&%£ the game up. Yet we could have played at least two turnsthis weekend man, blowout!


            • #21
              Hi Guys

              I don't mean to butt into your thread here. I'm a player in a few other pbem games and I was just curious to see how your game was going.I noticed that you were having a bit of trouble.


              Hopefully you still have a copy of the game jon sent you, if not, jon will have to resend.
              Open up your turn and hit the " key and then type in " /attach 5 " in the chat box. then hit enter, then " to get rid of the chat box. According to your list FRR is player no 5 and yes you have to do this during your turn. The previous player always attach's the ai. If you have done this right you will see Hex's email address on the saved game instead of FRR's. It's best to do this procedure as soon as you open your turn, so you don't forget. (Which I have)

              Well I hope this helps
              [This message has been edited by DON (edited October 31, 1999).]


              • #22
                Turn 1 ==> Hextapul

                We're up and limping again.......


                • #23
                  Sorry Guys,
                  I was down in Philly for the weekend. Someone at my house was going to play my turn when it rolled around, well I guess the hands off aproach isn't working to well

                  Scheduling hmm let me think on that, Im at work right now, Ill come up with a better plan, and post it when I take my turn tonight.



                  • #24
                    I got an email from Fire Red Ram his harddrive crashed and he lost alot of files etc. He still in though, unfortunately he only emailed me and I was incognito

                    Fire Red Ram please post on the Forum, cause Im not always home sorry.
                    OK so I guess the games rolling again



                    • #25
                      Turn 1 -> Sophix

                      Sorry about the hard drive Fire...Don't take my post as an attack on you backing out of the game, but I was frustrated in not getting my turn. Hope you can get it back to normal.
                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #26
                        Turn 2 ==> Shavlor

                        The Assyrian Expedition Force Greets the Welsh, and the Australian Nations.

                        The ARS Sophocracy is lost at sea. The were no survivors.


                        • #27
                          turn 2 --> Jon


                          • #28
                            Turn 2 to Demosthonese.

                            Whilst we are pleased that the Welsh tribe have shown no desire to lay hands upon our grapes we must decline the offer of their women whom we have been told are endowed with beards and given to unnatural practices in the bedchamber. We also hear of bizarre rituals indulged in by their menfolk involving the use of sheep and rubber footwear!


                            • #29
                              Hey Guys,
                              I've got my harddrive backup and reloaded CTP. Sorry about this weekend. I still need the quick start files if someone can send them to me. I should be ready by my next turn. It is also difficult for me to post here on weekends. But I can still play my turns. Thanks for the help.

                              [This message has been edited by FireRedRam (edited November 01, 1999).]


                              • #30
                                Glad to hear it. I think you can go to the folder where we initally were discussing starting this game 'Starting Semi Accelerated PBEM Game' and download it from one of Sophix's posts.

                                Greetings from the Mayans.
                                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

