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QuickStart for Apolyton Pack

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  • QuickStart for Apolyton Pack


    My first version of a QuickStart for Apolyton pack is release.
    Could-you test-it and post here your comments ?`
    You could find the entire description at: I use ideas from Dutcheese Scenarios.
    [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 15, 1999).]
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

  • #2
    Comments sent by Don:

    I started a hotseat game with it and I like most of what I have seen so far. The one thing I found at the beginning is that you get major unhappiness at first. You get a city size problem and empire size problem and sometimes a starvation problem (what is it with me and starvation problems). You spend alot of that 20000 gold rush buying temples and aquaducts and other happiness stuff. You know I never did try entertainers maybe next time. The sliders didn't do anything to decrease unhappiness. Did you find this and what was your solution? I really like the older boat its alot more realistic and you get to keep it too. It was neat how the cities slowly grew instead of being size 5 right off the bat. With dutcheese scenario I always started right off at the very top of the powergraph but this time I started at the bottom but I'm catching up to the rest of the civ's. The two pikeman is a good idea. I have major production in alot of my towns and I'm able to build an early wonder in just a few turns.

    Anyway just a few questions

    Have you tried the ai mod by wes and nordicus. If so, what do think of it? I have some saved games using the apolyton pack, if I install their mod will it screw up those games. Will you able to use this mod with your quickstart mod? Are you going to start a game soon with your mod? if you do, I would like to be in it please. [...]

    [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 17, 1999).]
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #3
      Thank you very much for your comments.
      In my test I have also unhapiness problem. I don't find how I can reduce it more.
      20000G is here to help you build aqueduc and temple or others building. And the cities slowly grew to give time to build these buildings.
      Some times I had famine problem too
      I tested this mod only in deity with Apolyton Pack + Terrific AI and I never win a game, AI is very terrific and cheater It's a very good mod !!!!
      I haven't play any game using Apolyton pack without installing terrific AI, so I can't tell you if it will screw up your game. But if you want to use this mod in parallel, it's easy. Copy and rename all Apolyton folders to a new one. Install terrific AI mod and my quickstart mod in this new folder and you will be able to play new games with Apolyton Pack + Terrific AI + QuickStart
      I nearly finish a new scenario like this one, but with only 5 settlers. I will send it to you this night.
      I will start a pbem soon, but I will be on holiday in the next days so I asking
      my self if I will begin it before or after the millenium !!!
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

