If I have the new quick start scenerio installed, will it affect LAN or interent multiplayer game play? The reason I ask is because it modifies .txt files, and if my understanding is correct, this will result in a databases out of sync error message if all players don't have the same files on their machines.
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Quick Start Scenario Created
For those who want to have the quickstart scenario files and also want to use the old files(assuming dutch can't get them to jive) in their continuing pbem games(or multiplayer games), there is a solution. Rename your Civilization-Call To Power folder(program files/activision/Civilization-Call To Power) to whatever u want. Reinstall the game. U now have the game on your system twice. Whichever one u want to use at any given time is the one u will want to have named Civilization-Call To Power(this is the one that will be accessed). Just rename them back and forth depending on what game you are playing.
Posted another update. Hopefully this will work
Adjusted the units.txt and uniticons.txt back to the original order and added the new units at the bottom. You should now have the correct icon with the correct unit for games in progress.
Adjusted the script.slc for the auto unit delete function of the transport and knight to reflect the new unit order numbers.
Adjusted the readme file by adding the PBEM scenario info.
Thanks for all of your feedback!
[This message has been edited by dutcheese (edited September 19, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by dutcheese (edited September 23, 1999).]
Hi Don,
You could make a copy of the original 4 files that are being modified.
Messageicon.txt .\ctp_data\default\gamedata
strings.txt .\ctp_data\english\gamedata
uniticon.txt .\ctp_data\default\gamedata
units.txt .\ctp_data\default\gamedata
[This message has been edited by dutcheese (edited September 19, 1999).]
Test results:
6 players on hugh map, 30 turns processed, I attached and detached AI at various times to all players.
Gigantic map is manditory.Even on my tests of the previous versions, 75% of the time the first player made contact with the second. This would allow a cheap attack on undefended settlers, sometimes a stack of three settlers could bite the dust. This is not the way to start out a multiplayer game.
Add monarchy and theocracy to the starting advances. One player came upon two ruins with free settlers/cities and received the " Your at the limits of your government" warning.
The transport may be to powerful of a unit to start the game with. The SOL would be adequate, with the extended movement. Most of the players in my test game were able to explore 20-30% of the map before the transport vanished.
The scenario gives the player alot to do in their turn. There were plenty of options for players to explore. The ancient wonders were fully playable, Age of Reason was still a number of years away. IMO, you should be able to play any type of game you want; be it Warrior King, Crusading Bishop, Philosopher Emperor, or Slaver Prince.
[This message has been edited by Swissy (edited September 19, 1999).]"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
Haven't done much testing to dutcheese scenario as yet but I have had a couple of turns with and here are my initial views:
1) This scenario is definitely unplayable on anything less than a gigantic map. I made a regular map and in one turn I had built a city right in the heart of another civ before he even had his turn. Recommend lowering settler movement points?
2)IMO cities of size five in first four turns is too powerful. You can easily carve out a huge radius and claim that land as your territory. I doubt empire distance would really matter as one could easily rush buy temples. Recommend that players only get cities of size five within one or two turns... 1 turn IMO.
3) With the extended setter movements it is much too easy for 2 or 3 settlers to just wonder around and pick up all the goody huts.
Even worse you could probably save a super settler or two and use them to scout out the heart of an enemy civ in the later part of the game to find out the layout of his cities. Maybe consider either lowering movements points or killing off the super settlers after some number of turns....
4) i could swear i heard a dying sound at the start... what was that?Monkey I am proud to be!
Trim the sails and roam the sea!
Trim the sails and roam the sea!