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Patch is here!!! PBEM now possible!!

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  • Patch is here!!! PBEM now possible!!

    Hi all,

    Anyone out there interested in a PBEM game of CTP now that the patch is out? Havent checked out the patch that I've downloaded but boy am I giddy today!!!

    I've havent played any PBEM games before so someone with more PBEM experience might have to organise one or maybe just instruct me on how to organize one!!!

    Respond to this thread if anyone is interested...

    I suggest 32 players?.... gigantic map?.... now that would be a HUGE game!!!
    Monkey I am proud to be!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!

  • #2
    Well, its great idea.
    I suggest to start organize
    I will play

    Huge map/ and as many players as it can be

    "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


    • #3
      I'll be inn!!!
      As soon as this *** patch is avaiable for the *** german version.


      • #4
        Hello all,

        I've just downloaded the patch and I would love to be in a big PBEM game. What do we need to do to organise it ?


        • #5
          Me too, I want to play!


          • #6
            I got bad news... first I edited userprofile.txt and changed the number of players to 32. It correctly came up on the PBEM screen as 31 civs but when I launched it ,the screen where you put the e-mail addresses of players only has eight players so I guess Activision is still not officially supporting the 32 player option yet.

            Ok I guess I'll try to organize one now. Had a look at the smac multiplayer board and they keep track of where the game is at by each player posting the year the game it is at and where the turn has been sent to each time they have a turn.

            So I guess we can only have an 8 player e-mail game for now unless there is some option I missed for including more human players. I need to know a few things from players interested in this PBEM game

            1) Your e-mail address. This is needed for the PBEM setup screen.

            2)What civ you want to play as.

            3)Mods included in this game? I'd like to keep the default files for now because it might be a bigger hassle to get players to agree on a single standard mod. Also I want to see if the default files are more balanced in multiplayer.

            4)Game settings... deity, gigantic map, pollution on, bloodlust off, errr...default map settings? Sound Ok to everyone? Reason for bloodlust off is because you can still continue the game after someone completes the alien project. This might mean nobody would go for the ALP but maybe we can mutually agree to something like all players must give 500 gold to the player who completes it first as an incentive. Anyway tell me what your prefered game settings would be....

            Ok currently I think we've got Luk, Frazer, RobM and me, Monkey.. errr Zaphod... I don't think we can wait another year for Activision to release the german patch

            respond to this thread if anyone is still interested or you can email me at

            Monkey signing off...


            Monkey I am proud to be!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!

            Monkey I am proud to be!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!


            • #7
              I'd like to play as well.
              So it will be a 8 players game ? Humm ...
              How will it work ? one turn a day ? even at the begining ?
              Please more details.


              • #8
                I'ld like to play, would prefer to play as English


                • #9
                  All right Im responding to your text on forum
                  Well, its great that you want to organize this. Im in.

                  1) e-mail -
                  2) Russia (Im very unhappy that We cant play in Poland mod, I would prefer Poland
                  because Im Pole)
                  3) Id like to have one mod - that which adds Poland civ. If yes - I will choose Poland and
                  leave Russia to someone else
                  4) I agree in 100%

                  Im waiting for response

                  "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                  • #10
                    Ok for anyone that is still interested in this PBEM game I will need your details in order to set up the game.

                    So far Luk is the only guy that have provided me with enough detail so he's in it. I need to know your e-mail address and what civ you want to play as. Also if you have any preferences to mods or game settings bring it up in this thread now so we can agree on one thing. Otherwise I'll just start with the default files with the default game settings.

                    In response to your question Rodo, we could only have one turn a day so it would be easily kept tracked of. However in order to speed it up a bit I suggest we can have multiple turns per day but make each player post the current turn he is playing plus the person he is posting to in a thread on Apolyton. This is so everyone in the game can easily see where the PBEM file is being passed to next. Have a look at the smac multiplayer threads... I think that is how they are doing it. This is my first time organizing a PBEM game so forgive me if I stumble around in the dark for a bit....

                    Ok list of current players

                    1)Luk (Russian)
                    4)Rodo Benzo
                    6)Zaphod (if Activision releases the German patch this week which I highly doubt... sorry Zaph )
                    7)Me, Monkey

                    There's maybe room for two more players because Zaphod probably cant join this one due to the unavailability of the German patch.

                    This list of players is not the final list and might change in the future. Anyone knows what happens if a player decides to drop out in the middle of a PBEM game?
                    Monkey I am proud to be!
                    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                    Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                    • #11
                      Monkey's PBEM update....

                      Current list of confirmed players

                      1)Luk (Russians)
                      2)Frazer (Scotland)
                      3)Becky (English)

                      These are the players that have sent me their e-mail addresses so get your e-mail addresses to me quick if you still want to play.

                      Luk> You want a mod that introduces Poland into the game so you can play them. Well... I don't particularly want to get everyone to change their files just to get that one civ in... I was thinking more along the lines of the big major mods like CD's version 4.2 or Harlan's city graphics/diplomatic pack. But if everyone else doesn't mind changing their files and there is a poland mod on apolyton then I will grant your wish... for now you don't mind staying as russian do you?

                      Frazer has requested medium sized islands rather than large continents... Ok with everyone?


                      Monkey I am proud to be!
                      Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                      Trim the sails and roam the sea!

                      Monkey I am proud to be!
                      Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                      Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                      • #12
                        Would prefer playing as English with huge map, dont mind about other settings. My e-mail address is


                        • #13
                          I just read your e-mail Becky so I got your address already.. thanks
                          Monkey I am proud to be!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                          • #14
                            I can play Russia, but in diplomatic notes my country will be named as Slav Cofederate

                            I agree with medium sized continents

                            "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                            • #15
                              Monkey's PBEM update...

                              Current list of confirmed players, so far

                              1)Luk (Russians)
                              2)Frazer (Scotland)
                              3)Becky (English)
                              4)ButchM (Americans)
                              5)Me, Monkey

                              Still waiting for details on the following players:

                              7)Rodo Benzo

                              Ok there might still be room for 1 more player. Get your tickets now for the PBEM ride of the century!!!

                              Anyone who wants to fill in this last position, I need your e-mail address and the civ you want to play as. Bring up any Mods/game settings preferences to me. Post on this thread or e-mail me at
                              [This message has been edited by Monkey (edited August 29, 1999).]
                              Monkey I am proud to be!
                              Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                              Trim the sails and roam the sea!

