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I can't believe this

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  • I can't believe this

    I must say i am kinda amazed : CTP is definitely the best civ game around right now ( despite it's obvious lack of "sensuality" : check Haran's post in General forum) , it's fully multiplayer , and offers an easy , reliable way to connect to world wide , free servers . AND WHat do people DO ? FREAKING PLAY ALONE , and let this forum completely empty ! CTP AI , like in EVERY other strategy game , is totally ****ty : unable to have a decent diplomatic behaviour , unable to make war , and of course , unable to chat . Multiplayers offers the uncomparable thrill of human challenge , adds to the game the exciting uncertainty of human unpredictable behaviour and give the game a true "Roleplaying" side : you can't just play it like an automaton , filling city queues like there's no tomorrow and methodically repeating all the steps required to blast your last score . You have to ACTUALLY RULE your civilisation , and this implies a deeper relationship with your biological competitors.Bargaining , Negociations , treachery are now part of the deal . Considering the number of sold copies of the game , and regarding the EXTREMELY low number of players on CTP servers , i can't help but feel that most of the players who claim to be "Civers" (god this word is so lame) actually don't have the slightest idea about what the game really is .

    WAKE UP !
    PLAY MP !

  • #2
    Dreadlord..well put. Don't forget howevr that this game is so new, a lot of us are playing it lone in order to get to know it. Secondly, many like myself , have never had the option of multiplayer games. I played civ until my mouse died, but not multiplayer!!
    I believe I'm ready now for the kind of game you envision. I have dabbled on the servers... so, if you want to get together, my ICQ # is 28269764. Leave another message if you don't have ICQ?

    Gerry :+))


    • #3
      I'm interested in playing Multiplayer - that's the main reason for getting CTP (Civ2 Multiplayer gold doesn't seem to be available in Australia), but i have not tried to play Multiplayer yet so i'm not sure how. If you want a game, i'm keen, but time and availability are a problem for me, not to mention the probable time zone difference.

      If you're interested, post a reply on this thread.


      • #4
        I also really enjoy multiplayer. It's just that it takes so much time, and really requires reliable people if you're going to play in multiple sessions. I typically play with friends (strategy games, that is! ) that I know. I suspect this is true for most players.

        Maybe after our wedding (May 23rd!), and after I've gotten to know people a little better on the forum, I'll get involved in a game between forum users.


        [This message has been edited by ToddP (edited May 07, 1999).]


        • #5
          Oh Todd! I'm so sorry. If you don't have time for multiplayer now, you never will after you get Married.

          I love multiplayer games too, and get into a game when ever my wife is sleeping or lets me.

          But the games are long, and it is truely hard to find reliable players with the same schedule as me.

          CTP is great though, and has the easiest multiplayer of any game I've seen to date.


          • #6
            Hi DreadLordDeGaulle ...
            I love the way you think about MP games !!!
            I 100% agree with you (check other topics in this forum )
            OK My ICQ is 17275155
            Contact me !

            PS : De gaulle was a french president no ? and maybe a dreadlord as well ! are you french ?

