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I asked activision about Hotseat and PBEM, here's the answer

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  • I asked activision about Hotseat and PBEM, here's the answer

    Today I Emailed Activision about when a Hotseat and PBEM patch would be available, and here is the answer I received:


    Hi Rob.

    The team is currently working on an Upgrade to include many of the fan
    requests we've received. Hotseat is definitely on the list (because of
    requests like yours). No absolute promises until it's actually in and
    working, though....

    I expect the timing to be about two weeks or so from now, but it will depend
    on QA testing. We don't want to break things by putting in new things.

    Thanks for writing -- it's how we know what people want!

    Peter "Enjolras" Karpas
    Director of Marketing, Activision, Inc.

  • #2
    Excellent. Hotseat was my main motivation to buy the game. I am happy to wait (a little while anyway) so this is great news.

    Well done RobM for your passion on this important topic.


    • #3
      Having just read the list of things being fixed in the upcoming patch (see main CTP screen), I am concerned that there is no mention of Hotseat or PBEM. I hope this is only an oversight. At the end of the day these two features were supposed to be in the game from the start, and having to wait for a patch is annoying enough, without having to wait for multiple patches.

      Please, Activision make Hotseat a priorety.


      • #4
        I agree with you Zagbo, which started my Email inquiry. Specifically I had asked if there was going to be a patch for Hotseat and PBEM, as promised would be issued shorted after the game was on store shelfs. You can see the answer I got. I feel his response was sort of ambiguous though. He sure made it sound like the patch would include these multiplayer features, but.... We shall see. No matter what, I'd rather wait to have it done right, as long as it is done someday. Having a game with bugs and lockups is no fun at all!

