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The weakest link - episode two

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  • #16
    Long live to Spain!

    Aragon and Castilla have been unified in one state with the marriage of Ferdinand to Isabella.
    Reconquista has come to a conclusion and the dream of the liberation of the entire Iberia from the muslim presence has been fulfilled with the fall of the last islamic resort, Granada, into Spanish hands.

    A new era is rising for Spain and whether it will be glorious or fateful only future can tell.

    The immidiate reconstruction of the new state has began and order shall be applied all over the country.
    A delegation has departured to a long journey to meet Alfonso of Portugal our Iberian brother to bring gifts and draw plans for our common cause.

    Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castilla

    Good luck to all

    Turn 0 to Kris.


    • #17
      I propose to adopt the PBEM Rules (version 2.0).

      What do you say?


      • #18
        turn 1 -> Pave

        PBEM rules is Ok for me
        veni vidi PWNED!


        • #19

          Where's the turn ?
          veni vidi PWNED!


          • #20
            I would recommend you re-send turn to Pave and Pete.


            • #21
              sent again
              veni vidi PWNED!


              • #22
                I support the adoption of ( PBEM rules 2.0) ,and please excuse me but almost 72 hours have elapsed since there has been any action on this game.
                The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."


                • #23
                  Pave, are you there?


                  • #24
                    I think Pave has lost interest in CTP.
                    Read here what he says about it.

                    We should find a replacement.
                    veni vidi PWNED!


                    • #25
                      I don't really see how that thread suggests that Pave has lost interest in CtP, but he certainly is erratic with turns, at best.


                      • #26
                        When somebody says that CTP is not a "real" civ game, I thought they mean the game is not interesting.

                        I think 'erratic' is an understatement.
                        We are waiting almost 2 weeks now.
                        veni vidi PWNED!


                        • #27
                          interesting or not
                          important is to play
                          so r we looking for a replacement?


                          • #28
                            What I really don't understand is why Max, doesn't play Pave's turn since he's his teammate and that was the deal from the beginning.

                            I know it is a crucial part of the game but I trust that Max with his experience would probably play it better than Pave anyway.


                            • #29
                              Sooo you didn't got that turn?Funny, I thougt I sent it but still, I'll send it as fast as I can.
                              Kaygen is right, TheBirdMans should play my turn if your not hearing anything for a while (about 3 days).

                              Ps. TheBirdMan will play better than me, thats true.
                              Pps. Rule that says you'll have to send turn in a 24 hours stinks. 48 hours could be better.
                              Ppps.I'm S-T-I-L-L interested in CtP!

                              Now I said everything.
                              Last edited by Pave; April 16, 2003, 10:36.
                              The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                              - Chuck Norris Facts


                              • #30
                                Pave (and other players too), I think it is important that you post a message here every time you send the turn.
                                That way your team mate knows when you played, and when he should play.

                                Originally posted by Pave
                                Ppps.I'm S-T-I-L-L interested in CtP!
                                Very nice
                                veni vidi PWNED!

