...continued from Crossfire I.
Protoss72000: Hunter of the Scottish (protoss72000@hotmail.com)
Geoffrey Arnold: Geoff the brave of the Australians (Geoffparnold@bigpond.com)
Aeroprinz: von Lutzov of the Germans (aeroprinz@yahoo.com)
Kralj Matjaz: Khan Matjaz of the Mongols (stojan.kranjc@siol.net)
J Bytheway: John of the English (jjb48@cam.ac.uk)
Milamber: Patton of the Americans (milamber@whidbey.com)
Creator: Keygen (marc13@otenet.gr)
Moderator: Blackice (blackicegl@cogeco.ca)
Game Settings
Skill level: Deity
Barbarian Threat: Ruins Only
Map Size: Huge
World Shape: Doughnut
Bloodlust: ON
Pollution: ON
Map: Random
Mod: CTP PBEM Mod Lite 1.0
Additional Settings
PBEM Rules
24-hour rule
Related Threads
Crossfire I
Crossfire Revival (Revival challenge)
Crossfire Part I
Crossfire (Challenge)
Protoss72000: Hunter of the Scottish (protoss72000@hotmail.com)
Geoffrey Arnold: Geoff the brave of the Australians (Geoffparnold@bigpond.com)
Aeroprinz: von Lutzov of the Germans (aeroprinz@yahoo.com)
Kralj Matjaz: Khan Matjaz of the Mongols (stojan.kranjc@siol.net)
J Bytheway: John of the English (jjb48@cam.ac.uk)
Milamber: Patton of the Americans (milamber@whidbey.com)
Creator: Keygen (marc13@otenet.gr)
Moderator: Blackice (blackicegl@cogeco.ca)
Game Settings
Skill level: Deity
Barbarian Threat: Ruins Only
Map Size: Huge
World Shape: Doughnut
Bloodlust: ON
Pollution: ON
Map: Random
Mod: CTP PBEM Mod Lite 1.0
Additional Settings
PBEM Rules
24-hour rule
Related Threads
Crossfire I
Crossfire Revival (Revival challenge)
Crossfire Part I
Crossfire (Challenge)