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PBEM Challenges - Part II!

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  • Birdman 53


    • Turn 109 to Mathemagician.


      • BC6 Turn 122 to PheasantFlaps

        Sooner or later i'm gonna get busted


        • turns to everyone all the time
          Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
          O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


          • Originally posted by quinns
            Lung and Ricketyclik -- You have each been challenged by Mathemagician.
            Hello chaps

            Okey dokey Math, you set it up, let me know the settings, and send me the turn


            • turn 0 sent to ricketyclik
              game with checkMate restarted due to MFI (Mysterious File Incompatibility).
              Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
              O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


              • Birdman 61


                • No turn to Birdbreath today as Lung was denied access to home due to yet another bushfire!!!

                  Yes, another inferno developed near my home at cut rail lines and highways yesterday Personally, Lung doesn't believe it's a "coincidence" that another fire started within metres of the only main road in millions of square kilometres of bushland

                  To make matters worse, dickheads get off the delayed train and light up ****ing cigarettes!!! From now on, January 30th will be designated "Slap a smoker day" by yours truly

                  And i was so looking forward to continuing my cat-and-mouse game with BirdCrap, too This is going to be a significant challenge for both of us! However, i doubt that this game will finish any time soon....

                  Die, mofo, DIE!!!


                  • Originally posted by Lung
                    From now on, January 30th will be designated "Slap a smoker day" by yours truly
                    Don't you have two hands?

                    Make the day: "Slap two smokers day"
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • My attempt to delete this post failed, so here is some blah instead.

                      (The original post was a try at representing myself smugly blowing smoke rings... it didn't work).
                      Last edited by ricketyclik; January 31, 2003, 16:14.


                      • Sorry to hear about the fires, Lung. We have our share of wild fires here in southern California, but your fires look worse ... Won't they ever stop?! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!


                        • i really dont want to make fun of it, lung.
                          but whenever i hear "bush fires" my first thought is "when will they fire bush" so i wasnt very much aware of this problem.
                          Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                          O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                          • Turns 96, 97 to Birdman.

                            Turn 109 to Mathemagician.


                            • Thrn 5 to Math
                              If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                              • Originally posted by quinns
                                Sorry to hear about the fires, Lung. We have our share of wild fires here in southern California, but your fires look worse ... Won't they ever stop?! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!
                                Haven't you noticed the connection between your fires and ours? To see what we're up against, read the following!

                                A nation hostage to the gum

                                Scary stuff

