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PBEM Challenges - Part II!

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  • The quote while that post was posting was:

    "How untasteful can you get?"


    • Birdman 9
      David42one 22 resent


      • Originally posted by TheBirdMan
        Drinking lots of beers with Mobius (as far as I can guess from another thread) and sleeping with his (own) wife - but only sleeping.

        What else Quinns ????????
        Of course! What was I thinking?

        Turns to Birdman and Mathemagician.


        • Birdman 10


          • Birdman 11
            David42one 22 resent


            • turns back.

              Quinns have just shown me another "trick", that I have not noticed ever before:

              The use of the ZOC, that "useless" units actually have when sending them to the "right tiles" in due time - forcing a superior force to stop attacking - waiting for an even more superior enemy force to arrive and make a clean kill. Trapped!
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • i dont understand what you mean, birdman. could you explain in more detail ?
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • Yeah, Milamber trapped my phalanx by ZOC's with just a warrior a little horse and a city. I had to disband it to keep it from being enslaved. I was pretty impressed by that one. I am more than just a little ticked still. Its a good game we have going, but he just won't stay out of my land
                  If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                  • sorry you fired the first shot and i was just exploring and wham out of nowhere enslaved. so i figure i can prosecute a war for as long as you care to wage it.
                    I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                    Revelation 6:8


                    • Originally posted by TheBirdMan
                      turns back.

                      Quinns have just shown me another "trick", that I have not noticed ever before:

                      The use of the ZOC, that "useless" units actually have when sending them to the "right tiles" in due time - forcing a superior force to stop attacking - waiting for an even more superior enemy force to arrive and make a clean kill. Trapped!
                      It's not so far fetched Birdman. In our example, three of my spread out warriors (not really useless, comparitively speaking) surrounded three of your phalanxes that were stacked together. A larger force of 5 warriors and 3 samurai pinned your phalanx group. The phalanx group was then destroyed by the warrior and samurai group, because the phalanx group could move nowhere except to attack the larger force.

                      I see ZOC's, by weaker units, representing cutting an isolated army's supply line, (something that isn't explicit in the rules, but can be forced on the enemy by using ZOC's around over extended units). If you don't use and move in "fronts" then you should prepare to be surrounded, have your "supply line" cut, and then have to fight your way out of it.

                      That is exactly what played out here. Your phalanx group was way over-extended, Birdman. It wasn't really a "trick", it was just basic military tactics -- applied to CtP.


                      • Are you blokes only just figuring that out now? NOW you know why a stack of Phalanxes is useless except at defending cities

                        Okay, so that's one less tactic i can use against BirdMan when i eventually run into him

                        Speaking of BirdMan, turn 106 to JabiruPoo 16 hours ago


                        • Birdman - 14
                          David42one - 24


                          • Turns to Math and Bird.



                            • didnt receive a turn quinns
                              Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                              O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                              • Turn 57 sent to Math. (I was referring to turn 56 above, Mathman.)

