But now to something else:
Quinns and my 2nd challenge is close to an end with Quinns as winner - but again, I have learned much .
We have already taken one unpredictable factor out of the game.
Now I suggest, that the wonders should be "chained" to the ruins. Either both ruins and wonders are out or both is in.
Why, some might ask? Because in a challenge game with only 2 human players, it is not possible to catch up without being lucky.
In bove challenge Quinn got The Edison Lab, and with this, he got advances with a speed, that only a close coorporation between 2-3 humans could match.
I was able to raise my science from 660 to a little above 5300 point per turn by turning all workers - execpt those who was working on a tradegood - to scientists. And by reducing my wages to a minimum and food to the highest level.
During this change I noticed (once again) that I had been a fool. The wonder Gallileo in a 10pop city with a monopoly (5 beavers) gave alone 1260 sciencepoints with 9 workers as scientists. I could have had this for - don't know but mayby the last 45-50 turns. Oh, I could have used those.......
But back to reality: As all can see, these settings can only last 8-12 turns without hurting your civilization too much. I did get railroad, oil refining, massproduction and tankwarfare very-very quickly - but my nation (cities) was totally exhausted and I didn't have factories and money enough to stand the second and serious invasion Quinn made.
So what do you think? Should we chain the ruins and wonders together or keep is as it is now?
Quinns and my 2nd challenge is close to an end with Quinns as winner - but again, I have learned much .
We have already taken one unpredictable factor out of the game.
Now I suggest, that the wonders should be "chained" to the ruins. Either both ruins and wonders are out or both is in.
Why, some might ask? Because in a challenge game with only 2 human players, it is not possible to catch up without being lucky.
In bove challenge Quinn got The Edison Lab, and with this, he got advances with a speed, that only a close coorporation between 2-3 humans could match.
I was able to raise my science from 660 to a little above 5300 point per turn by turning all workers - execpt those who was working on a tradegood - to scientists. And by reducing my wages to a minimum and food to the highest level.
During this change I noticed (once again) that I had been a fool. The wonder Gallileo in a 10pop city with a monopoly (5 beavers) gave alone 1260 sciencepoints with 9 workers as scientists. I could have had this for - don't know but mayby the last 45-50 turns. Oh, I could have used those.......
But back to reality: As all can see, these settings can only last 8-12 turns without hurting your civilization too much. I did get railroad, oil refining, massproduction and tankwarfare very-very quickly - but my nation (cities) was totally exhausted and I didn't have factories and money enough to stand the second and serious invasion Quinn made.
So what do you think? Should we chain the ruins and wonders together or keep is as it is now?