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PBEM Challenges - Part II!

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  • As far as I have seen only the worker can change listening post's control.
    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
    Or do we?


    • Okay, I'm off to Kiriketea Island for a few days starting Tuesday 9am GMT. I'll be back around Midnight Friday GMT.

      I will not be playing any SuperLeague turns during this period. Sorry for any inconvinience caused.


      • Originally posted by ricketyclik
        Turns 2/3 to TheBirdMan in RC vs TBM dual duel.

        Please add it to the list Quinns
        Okay, will do. I am your humble servant.


        • Hey Blackie.....

          Nice to see news from you.

          How many days did you and PaulNo1 get (guess you both either were banned or have had a looong vacation .
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • Turns to Quinns

            Never build today what other have builded yesterday.

            Sorry my dear peaceloving AI-neighbour. But I needed your habour and some tradegoods.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • Hi Birdy no ban what so ever business is booming and work is chaos, toss a beautiful child in the mix and my days have hit 16 hours plus.

              I am looking for a one on one but not quinns rabbit rules game.

              Don't get me wrong quinns has done good here but the counter to this is long in the tooth, the rules just add to the edge the rabbit gets.

              How about you and I in a large world hills and mountains and sea land mix?

              Fast start or not?

              I do not think correct me if I am wrong but you do not have much experience in that type of map?

              we could play a series?

              if not name the game I look forward to it, I do play my turns still within 48 hours.

              eme you war monger

              BTB after tnt and a few other games I have come to the conclusion that nukes defend well but without the right wonders they are not to be used as offencive weapons.

              Therefore it will take four more turns before we claim the world in our game. ;0)

              So lets kill each other if you have the time?
              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
              Or do we?


              • Hi Birdy no ban what so ever business is booming and work is chaos, toss a beautiful child in the mix and my days have hit 16 hours plus.
                Well I made a good guess - and my personal opinion is, 16 hours of work a day is far too much if this continues long. Remember, no one will thank you the day you go down, not even your company.

                I am looking for a one on one but not quinns rabbit rules game.

                Don't get me wrong quinns has done good here but the counter to this is long in the tooth, the rules just add to the edge the rabbit gets.
                I have adopted a little of the rabbit-strategy. Now I make settlers earlier than I used to - but I am not settling dense, I don't want to see my nations looks like a colony of prariedogs/rabbits.

                How about you and I in a large world hills and mountains and sea land mix?

                Fast start or not?

                I do not think correct me if I am wrong but you do not have much experience in that type of map?

                we could play a series?

                if not name the game I look forward to it, I do play my turns still within 48 hours.

                eme you war monger
                Just set a dual up - do as you like (nearly - prefer the two biggest sizes of maps and not a map full of small islands only), just you tell me what you are doing - I am always ready!

                BTB after tnt and a few other games I have come to the conclusion that nukes defend well but without the right wonders they are not to be used as offencive weapons.

                Therefore it will take four more turns before we claim the world in our game. ;0)

                So lets kill each other if you have the time?
                Ohh, the other would love to see us two going to war. With each other that is. Maybe we could persuade the rest to join us in a full scale war - I might look for an ally nation (and not the Chinese AI).

                Actually I think this could be fun if we could "catch" an ally each.........
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • Okay. So is that a PBEM Challenge between Birdman and blackice? Should I record it under the PBEM Challenge Ladder thread? I'm not sure.

                  Just a reminder to all --- The PBEM Challenge "standard settings" (in the PBEM Challenge Ladder thread) are just suggestions and not "rules". The two players of a challenge match can have whatever settings they like as long as they both agree.


                  • Quinns, 1x1 challenges are very different to normal PBEM games. One thing I've found (while playing with a non-Poly player) is that "You've got to go early, you can't mess around!"


                    • Right, Redbull. Agreed. Challenges are different --- They lean more to the "Call to Power" side of the "Civilization - Call to Power" name than the "Civilization" side.


                      • Its more militaristic than the other CtP games. A lot of 8 player games are won by the Alien victory, and the same goes for CII and CIII. However, one on one challenges means you have to go early. You cannot afford to mess around.

                        I would a challenge game on a small map


                        • Redbull I'll take that challenge
                          I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                          Revelation 6:8


                          • Lung's in deep poo now! QC5 Turn 75 to Quinns.

                            Yay! I'VE FOUND OFFSHORE LANDS!!!

                            Dang. It's a goddamned island

                            What do i find but more offshore lands!!!

                            Whaddya know. Another ****ing island!!

                            Curse you, BirdBrain, and the horse you rode in on!

                            BC6 Turn 73 to DrumstickLegs
                            Last edited by Lung; November 25, 2002, 23:30.


                            • Originally posted by MILAMBER
                              Redbull I'll take that challenge
                              Okay, then... SuperLeague points?


                              • Many turns to Quinns, BerXpert, Lung, Math and Rickety the last 24 hours .

                                Alarming news reached Comrade Maxim in Madrid.

                                The american dictator and Führer S. Quinns have landed some facist dirtbags on the pure soil of PDRS (Peoples Democratic Republic of Spain for those who is not familiar with the Era of St.Jon ) .

                                The peaceloving Spanish Workers did immidiate the only reasonable thing - they offered everything for the survival of PDRS. Wages was cut down to nearly half of the normal (agreed normally rather high) level.

                                All scientific ressorces have been mobilized and the the effect is owerwhelming. The scientists expect to have news every 3 or 4 turn now!

                                Meanwhile, the unreliable french AI neighbour is again under a moderate pressure - I suspect them to have given too much information to our enemy.

                                Comrade Maxim, Chairman.
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


