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PBEM Challenges - Part II!

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  • Not the Americans - YOU, my fiend, er, friend

    Anyway, you're just a satan wanna-be!

    QC5 Turn 66 to Mr. 666

    BC6 Turn 64 to PteredactylTackle


    • Originally posted by Lung
      Not the Americans - YOU, my fiend, er, friend

      Anyway, you're just a satan wanna-be!

      QC5 Turn 66 to Mr. 666
      Oh... OK -- That's more like it then. But I am not a satan wanna-be, I'm just plain old Steve But you Lung, you just got thrashed by, not satan, but just plain old steve. Any questions?


      • Ricketyclik - 82
        Birdman - 45


        • Lung - the only way to stop "Old Stevie" is to flatten both the tires on his wheelchair.

          Heck, I am in the abnormal situation to have a larger population than Steve - and still he runs from me.

          I simply can't catch him
          Last edited by TheBirdMan; November 15, 2002, 03:03.
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • Originally posted by TheBirdMan
            Lung - the only way to stop "Old Stevie" is to flatten both the tires on his wheelchair.

            Heck, I am in the abnormal situation to have a larger population than Steve - and still he runs from me.

            I simply can't catch him
            What's that Birdman? You have gone over to the rabbit strategy? That method is already obsolete!

            Turns to Lung, Birdman, and Paulno1.



            • Partly - but there is no "rabbit" the way I place my cities.

              I still allow my settlers to walk 4-7 (even 10 tiles) before they make new cities.

              But I am putting settlers in the buildqueqe at an earlier stage of the city-life than I have done before.

              I am also "playing" when it is best to use aquaducts first and when granaries - but I have not come to a final conclusion on that matter yet.

              Guess there will be no conclusion as moutains and hills says aquaducts and courthhouses, while grassland, rivers and sea says granaries. Thats my point of view for the time being.
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • Originally posted by TheBirdMan

                I am also "playing" when it is best to use aquaducts first and when granaries - but I have not come to a final conclusion on that matter yet.
                if the granary would finish before the city grows its usually better to build a granary. thats the basic thing about how the granaries work. they only 'do' something when the cities grow (or shrink ?)

                Guess there will be no conclusion as moutains and hills says aquaducts and courthhouses, while grassland, rivers and sea says granaries. Thats my point of view for the time being.
                cant comply with that.
                first of all. whats courthouses for anyway ?
                i usually dont build them until they cost 1 turn.
                and especially if the city is in a more productive than fertile area, its better to build granaries first, since the city is likely to grow only after the granary is finished. and then they will really need the granary effect.
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • a little SPAM won't hurt... ))

                  Originally posted by Mathemagician
                  first of all. whats courthouses for anyway ?
                  They are good for squeezing gold and production out of a city. Every little bit counts. Plus, they have a low maintenance cost and help keep people happy (low crime rate)
                  "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


                  • Re: a little SPAM won't hurt... ))

                    Originally posted by jpww

                    They are good for squeezing gold and production out of a city. Every little bit counts. Plus, they have a low maintenance cost and help keep people happy (low crime rate)
                    i know
                    but they take up valuable time to build. time i would like to spend elsewhere.
                    well, maybe i just dont like them.

                    if the city gets big or builds up a monopoly, i agree though.
                    just nothing i would build early in a city, as birdman mentioned them in one breath with auqeducts.
                    Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                    O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                    • Math: Lets take a match then .
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • gladly birdie
                        gimme the stats, i will start (since i like to play my own civ with my own city list) if u dont mind

                        oh and with ruins would be nice, as well as donut world. those two i really like.
                        Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                        O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                        • If you don't mind me saying... You two should play the dual-duel format like Paulno1 and me are doing. That way, no complaints. Dual-Duel is random map then play TWO matches against each other, swapping sides. If a split in wins then fastest winner wins match. Match is not complete until BOTH games are completed.


                          • why is it not complete if the faster win wins anyway, quinns ?

                            and no, i dont want to start two games at once. im already running a lot of games.
                            but i will try this out sometime.
                            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                            • Ricketyclik - 83 two cities destroyed today I guess I can ask for 4x rule in the next 2 or 3 turns
                              Birdman - 46 first time I'm over him on graph
                              Chad - 30 he is leading by 2 pixels


                              • Ricketyclik - 84

