Due to the success (?) of Quinns' PBEM 1 on 1 challenges, I decided to start a doubles challenge thread. Basically, post your name, i'll draw you a partner and start challenging *
I will make this a league (rather than a ladder) and the point scoring is as follows (all points for team):
2pts for leading at x9 turn
10pts for winning game
+10pts for winning via bloodlust
I will create a website for the league standings.
Also, you can have one on one challenges here (i.e. challenge one person from a rival team) and point scoring is half of the above i.e.:
1pt for leading at x9 turn
5pts for winning game
+5pts for winning via bloodlust
*Just post here if your in. Closing date September 11th, and I'll draw the teams out of a hat. I will put all "strong" players in one hat, and match them with a "weaker" opponent (to stop Lung/Birdman teams
I hope you got all of that
Just post here if your in
Current Participants
Geoffrey Arnold

2pts for leading at x9 turn
10pts for winning game
+10pts for winning via bloodlust
I will create a website for the league standings.
Also, you can have one on one challenges here (i.e. challenge one person from a rival team) and point scoring is half of the above i.e.:
1pt for leading at x9 turn
5pts for winning game
+5pts for winning via bloodlust
*Just post here if your in. Closing date September 11th, and I'll draw the teams out of a hat. I will put all "strong" players in one hat, and match them with a "weaker" opponent (to stop Lung/Birdman teams

I hope you got all of that

Just post here if your in

Current Participants
Geoffrey Arnold