Turn 32 sent to Redbull
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Chicken Run Part III
Originally posted by Keygen
GeorgeC, please next Redbull and send the turn to the next player.
Darth is our moderator for months but the game is in the same turn for near three months so you can judge for yourself
I've tried almost everything but it seems the only way to move this game again is by the traditional old nexting
We will keep nexting people until the game starts moving again with a regular speed and we shall find replacements as the game advances if needed.
Originally posted by redbull
George, doyou have my e-mail address right?I have not recieved one turn for this game, thus I didn't know I was in it
I still have it in my outbox. It was Sent: 9/20/02 8:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, and I posted a message here saying it was sent. Sorry, I probably should have sent it again when you hadn't replied within a day.
Turn 32
Hi, I've taken over the Romans. I've sent T32 to
Birdman and Darth Viper.
Just out of curiosity, how many people have
controlled the romans so far?
A fair amount of re-organization was required.
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" - Dan Quayle
"Where the hell is Australia anyway?" - Britney Spears
Now this is the third time I receive turn 32.
Flameflash! Did you play your turn 32 and forward turn 33 to Keygen? (have already mailed FF).
Lunger - if we are lucky, you will soon receive turn 33 from Keygen. And THAT turn will be more than welcome.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Yes, I got your e-mail, and I'll check to make sure I sent it if Keygen doesn't get/hasn't sent to lunger soon... but I'm fairly certain that I sent the turn... I know I played it.
Uncomfortably small map...I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...
I think the correct email address for Redbull is frozenfire4127@yahoo.co.nz.
I am not sure if the other one is still active but better use this one next time.
Player list updated.
Just FYI the following players have been nexted during this turn session:
a) Stranglylucid (ex-Roman leader for one or none turn)
b) Devil
c) Redbull (an unfurtunate event but irreversible)
New turn session
Turn 33 to Lunger.