Lunger nexted, will advertise for a sub/replacement in the Recruitment Centre.
No announcement yet.
Chicken Run Part III
OK, I just sent the turn for the fellow you'll be filling in for, and if he doesn't show up, replacing (Lunger).
You will receive your turn from Keygen (in time) and sending it to TheBirdMan, whose email address is rei(at)lyngbyes(dot)dk. Please cc the turns you send to me (ricketyclik(at)webone(dot)com(dot)au).
Do you know the procedure for opening, playing and sending turns? If not, just ask and we'll tell you.
Have fun
i'm not sure i know
so if i get the file i have to place it where? on my desktop or in al specific map?
and then I just click the file. Or do i have to open ctp first?
after my turn it will save and I just have to send the same file to next one.
what is the right thing to do?
but watch out if I have luck, you will be defeated in a few turns
Originally posted by pacman
but watch out if I have luck, you will be defeated in a few turnsLook out fellas, you're in trouble.
OK, pacman, when you receive the email, just double click on the attachment, that will load the game and open the turn. When you've finished the turn, just click on the "end" button, the turn to send will be saved as the next item on your desktop. Email that turn to the next player (and cc to me).
It's a good idea to hold on to received and saved turns for a while, in case the order gets stuffed up (or whatever) and you need to resend a turn.
the update and hack are already in my possession.
so you play with the standard game. No mods.
What is the situation of my civilization? I have to know something so I can prepare.
oh, and the rest of the world? Does is still exist?
I gues not. Why do I get the dirty work?
But it will be easy to make you all to slaves.
Me Michael? Nope
You need to have a turn to judge for yourself of the shape of your civilization (Romans).
As for your diplomatic status with me (Scottish) we have peaceful relations and fixed borders where my warriors are. North is mine south is yours