Turn 233 to Tomas de Torquemada
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Love Conquers-Part ?
Sorry guys, been busy showing a visiting friend round Sydney for the last few days - normal service is about resume!
Turn 235 (final turn) to Tomas de Torquemada
Greece announces the completion of our Alien Life Project!
Today we welcome all the world's nations into our family. All mankind can now enjoy the high standard of living previously achieved only by citizens of Greece!
Only two other governments have managed to survive through the long turbulent eons of this planet's history. These governments will, of course be dissolved, as we create a new one-world government.
Tomas de Torquemada will be free to live as he chooses once he has paid off the replacement cost of one (1) Plasma Destroyer sunk of the Great Rift. To this end, he has been given a job on the Greek shrimp-boat "Endeavour".
By-the-way, has anyone seen the alien? It appears that it has broken free of it's containment tank and disappeared!!
(see previous post)
Guys, thank-you for a very enjoyable game.Over two years of twists and intrigues!
So many thanks to Mobius (Spain), who stayed for the entire game, as well as to Keygen (Wales), Birdman (France), Saddam (Inca), Hexagonian (1st ruler of Inca), Demosthenes (1st ruler of Wales), Stavros (Australia), Quinns (Inca), Thor (Inca) and all the short-term subs, not to mention St. Jon (1st ruler of France), who started the game!
And thank-you to the AI and Barbarians, who supplied useful slaves!
RickLast edited by Rick Elkins; September 20, 2002, 10:55.
Congrats to Rick who beat me to the punch on the Alien Life Project!
It was all I could do to keep my military under tight reign with many generals advocating an all out attack, with a detailed plan in place...
Luckily however, I am a benevolent ruler who keeps his word...
I came, I saw, I came Second!
Thanks, Mobius!
I know all about having to constrain generals, as I too had to stay the hand of some in my military who are less honourable than myself! Many times they pointed out the advantages of Greece attacking Spain, rather than depending on what they referred to as our "wimpy pinko scientists" to build the alien!
But we both had to play under the constraints that we'd agreed to. In fact, I trusted you so much that I pretty much stopped building a military during the last 30 or so turns of the game, putting cities on PW production, instead. If I hadn't, I could have had the equivalent of something like an extra 100 fusion tanks to play with (not that I'd have built such a simplistic miltary!)
I'm glad my trust was so well-placed!
You can both be glad, that St. Jon wasn't in that game at this late stage. He had no doubt backstabbed your both without regret.
I know that for sure as I have been dealing with him "using the dark side of the force" in the DC game.
He.l, we tried (and had a good deal of success) to lye and cheat all the others in the game. Actually I say, we did a fine job.
We tried the same in LungFast. Unfortunately Lung knew him too well and eliminated him early in the game.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
I'm sure you're right that Jon would have attempted a bit of a backstab!
But as Jon himself pointed out, one's reputation in these games follows one around, so knowing that Jon had used those sort of strategiesin past games, I was fully expecting him to do the same in Love Conquers! And I acted accordingly.
In fact, I was disappointed to see him leave the game without first unleashing some truly nefarious plot!
Originally posted by Rick Elkins
I'm sure you're right that Jon would have attempted a bit of a backstab!
I know this from the inside as he asked me to sub him in the Semi Acc game and set in motion a backstab on Demos who was his ally at the time – I think an added dimension to his deviousness was that he thought that Demos wouldn’t suspicious about a sub…
Well, I did my duty – but I left it up to him to pull the trigger!
But as Jon himself pointed out, one's reputation in these games follows one around, so knowing that Jon had used those sort of strategiesin past games, I was fully expecting him to do the same in Love Conquers! And I acted accordingly.
In fact, I was disappointed to see him leave the game without first unleashing some truly nefarious plot!
It would have been interesting if Hexagonian had stayed on as leader of the Inca, as IIRC he was quiet friendly with Stavros whereas Quinns was not – in the game…
*Sigh* I will miss LC!
Originally posted by faded glory Jon a backstabber? What about Mobius?I've never seen him act dishonourably.
Originally posted by faded glory Having to keep like 80 units tied up just waiting for his big push.
And I agree about Hexagonian. He looked to have some sort of agreement with Stavros. Had he stayed, the dynamics of the game would have been very different, with Australia not being so isolated, and thus falling quickly (note that France never came to Australia's aid!!).
What's more, as regent of Greece (while I was on vacation), Hexagonian embellished with boldness and invention what had been only general instructions from me, thus helping Mobius thwart a combined French/Inca nuclear attack against Spain. It had to be a difficult decision to go to war as a regent, even though I had told him to support Spain if she were attacked. And it was the right decision.
Then again, if Quinns had stayed, things would also have been different, what with all the friction between Inca and France at that time. I think the two of them would have ended up at war, with others no doubt entering the fray!
So many "what-ifs"...!
Congratulations to you Rick!
Sorry I didn't stay in earlier, after taking out Australia, and whoop on France. That would have been interesting!But Jon's antics were too irritating to the point of taking the fun out of the game. You all knew him better than I did, so were able to take his never ending sermons in stride.
Congrats Rick- I'm proud to have a small hand in the victory march.
Congrats to Mobius and Keygen for surviving to the end.
Yeah, as leader of Inca, I had a nice slaving deal with Starvos and a nice tech trade deal with Rick. I think Starvos was ticked off when I dropped out - I can't say that I blame him either for that, but personal issues have a tendency to overrule gaming concerns.
Regarding the Greek attack on Inca while Greece was under my regency - it was an incredibly hard decision for me to make since Rick would of been the one that had to deal with any 'fallout' that would of occured. But I acted on what he laid out as his master plan.
Jon was a sneak, but he plays to win, and seeing how the game was going, it was inevitable that he would take a shot at the leader. To be totally honest, in looking at the powergraph, someone had to try to shake up the top.
And his end actions livened up an already entertaining game. Made for a good story.
You all are invited to try the CTP2 Cradle Mod now...
BTW, Mobius, I never trusted Jon in Semi Accl, and spent a lot of time trying to help Demos in this regard. It was not enough though...Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner