Let me start by quantifying this thread!
#1-Please dont spam this, it is intended for my as well as others gaining of concepts and applications.
#2-This is NOT an accusation thread, so please no one point fingers, just share facts and tidbits!
Ok..here we go>>>>>>>>Starting Renaissance, 9 settlers, settlers are available to build>>>>>>>
Someone please explain to me, how it is possible for your opponent to be 15 advance ahead, over a 1000 gold per turn ahead, all tech advances built in their cities, have a ton of PW invested in Tile improvements (RR,Listening Posts,Sonar Bouys,Advanced Mines, Advanced Farms) 1/2 more cities than you, 3 times the caravans than you, most every city has been filled with Modern,up to date units, all production upgrades have been built, Airports all over the landscape.
I wanna learn.
here is what i have recently leanred, I am impressed, here goes
In Theocracy, put city sliders on hours to far right, wages to far right, and rations to far left.
This i have seen gives great production. Ok, then to get PW going, put a turn or two on 100 pW and get whatever, early on 3-6 K for a turn. This is great, BUT an advanced sea net costs 500 pw. So at say 9 cities thats 4500 PW to place just one in each city. For each turn you put at 100 pw, thats a turn for NP=No Production.
Ok, in cities that produce a lot of gold, put to MAX gold, a larger city, put to MAX Science, now, what else am i missing?
How can one get all these things, say, we start at turn 75 for renaissance, I know, i almsot allways start at Ren. And by say turn 125, 50 turns later, this is what some of the greats are doing. Help me be as advanced as you folks.
I dont expect to be the Great Pin,Blackice,DrDoom,Paul or even Faded Glory-Hole (could leave that one out now could I Solver
) over night, but by asking, I can too learn.
Please, ONE and All, This is to learn, help one whom wants to be the best, lets not accuse just "inform" how this can be done.
Troll-The wanna-B, currently improving Multiplayer!
#1-Please dont spam this, it is intended for my as well as others gaining of concepts and applications.
#2-This is NOT an accusation thread, so please no one point fingers, just share facts and tidbits!
Ok..here we go>>>>>>>>Starting Renaissance, 9 settlers, settlers are available to build>>>>>>>
Someone please explain to me, how it is possible for your opponent to be 15 advance ahead, over a 1000 gold per turn ahead, all tech advances built in their cities, have a ton of PW invested in Tile improvements (RR,Listening Posts,Sonar Bouys,Advanced Mines, Advanced Farms) 1/2 more cities than you, 3 times the caravans than you, most every city has been filled with Modern,up to date units, all production upgrades have been built, Airports all over the landscape.
I wanna learn.
here is what i have recently leanred, I am impressed, here goes
In Theocracy, put city sliders on hours to far right, wages to far right, and rations to far left.
This i have seen gives great production. Ok, then to get PW going, put a turn or two on 100 pW and get whatever, early on 3-6 K for a turn. This is great, BUT an advanced sea net costs 500 pw. So at say 9 cities thats 4500 PW to place just one in each city. For each turn you put at 100 pw, thats a turn for NP=No Production.
Ok, in cities that produce a lot of gold, put to MAX gold, a larger city, put to MAX Science, now, what else am i missing?
How can one get all these things, say, we start at turn 75 for renaissance, I know, i almsot allways start at Ren. And by say turn 125, 50 turns later, this is what some of the greats are doing. Help me be as advanced as you folks.

I dont expect to be the Great Pin,Blackice,DrDoom,Paul or even Faded Glory-Hole (could leave that one out now could I Solver

Please, ONE and All, This is to learn, help one whom wants to be the best, lets not accuse just "inform" how this can be done.
Troll-The wanna-B, currently improving Multiplayer!