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Bulletproof Part II

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  • yea it worked this time Redbull. Hopefully no more problems. Hey I work with a nurse that is from New Zealand too! She is a real "hoot". That is Texan for very nice funny person. Ken/dancemasseuse


    • The nice thing about New Zealand is that there is absolutely no aggression with the average person on the street.

      There is a South African family who moved into a town where I live. They had they're flatscreen TV stolen, and they said they moved from South Africa for exactly that sort of thing. That actually is very rare over here, and theres been a huge hue and cry about it.


      • turn 39 to RC and Blackice
        I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
        Revelation 6:8


        • 40 to Hatschy

          Is the player list up to date? Shall I report to PBEM rankings, or you Blackice?


          • I did it.


            • Turn 40 sent to dancemasseuse.


              • turn 40 sent to redbull. Sorry canadians I moved a phalanx next to your city, will move away next turn, I did not know you were there.


                • Welcome in Canada ! So the Greeks managed to find us first . Hardly can wait to see which town you found.
                  Attached Files


                  • That reminds me, dancemasseuse, did i move my warrior away from your town? If not I shall send orders this turn


                    • sorry hatschy, wrong empire. Ricketyclik is the person I was talking about. No you(ricketyclik) did not move the two warriors, I did not see your city and moved a phalanx next to it, i will move away next turn


                      • It's a pity. And I felt so happy about getting in contact with the outside world !


                        • Its annoying. I'm on a stinky piece of land, poor production and I'm lacking gold


                          • turn 40 to RC and Blackice
                            I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                            Revelation 6:8


                            • I sympathize with you Redbull, 80% of the area I am in is swamp and the other is Jungle. On the fringe I slipped in to a little mountains but very little and below me I recently found a very small river, about 4 squares. I too am trapped in a section between others, where I get a space about 12 squares wide by 10 squares tall. and 80% of the middle is swamp. Good Luck and if I can help I will. See if we can locate each other and try to meet. ken/dancemassuese


                              • 41 to Hatschy

