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CTP Internet Rankings April 22 2002

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  • 8 EST is 10 Mx Time ?


    • Actually I think 8PM EST should be 7PM MC time.
      If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


      • I played Mr Number 1, the great of the greates: Paul No. 1 last saturday. I'm very happy because he conceded at turn 35 after I taked 2 of his cities.

        This was my second game vs him, first one he wiped me in 80 turns... I think I had learnt since then

        He said that this is the first game he lost that fast since last milenium

        I'll post the last turn we played so every body could see why I won.


        • Originally posted by berXpert

          I played Mr Number 1, the great of the greates: Paul No. 1 last saturday. I'm very happy because he conceded at turn 35 after I taked 2 of his cities.

          This was my second game vs him, first one he wiped me in 80 turns... I think I had learnt since then

          He said that this is the first game he lost that fast since last milenium

          I'll post the last turn we played so every body could see why I won.
          On a related note, I learned a trick or two from Ivat showed me something that AJAX wont remove

          I used to think some folks were cheating, still know some do, but he didnt and he showed me how, which is different from most, he taught me more in 1 game than most have in 10
          My hat is off to him, I used strategy 4 times since and WOWZA!! big difference!

          Hats off to ya!

          Oh and Congrats BerXpert!

          Thats quite an accomplishment, beating the likes of Paul!

          Way to go!

          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • Well, troll. Spill it
            If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


            • BerXpert has really come into his own after being defeated by Quinns in his 1 on 1 PBEM challenge. Although PBEM and MP are different kettles of fish, they still share the same qualities. I fear myself ever playing berX in PBEM and MPnow

              Great going berX


              • Great accomplishment to Berxpert and all.
                Very smart of him to come beat me up right away, we were dead close on a mostly land map and he started on all forest and coast and i started inland in plains and grass and a patch of forest, tec was very slow being inland and my frount line was 6 cities wide so it was fairly hard to defend. It was all flat in between us so he could get to me very fast. There was no choke points in between either. So i had to get 4 phx in 6 cities with city walls to stop him him comming which was kinda hard lol
                and my tec was too slow to probably get to city walls before i died, ya win some and very occasionally you get court with your pants down, and your arms tied behind your back, so you cant pull them back up again

                He allso had a Masive mountians range behind where he started, for him to use if by some miracle i survived the first attacks.


                • Congrats berXpert! Paulno1 is very tough. You should play the Dual-Duel format via PBEM. It completely equalizes the starting positions -- Two games started simultaneously on the same randomized map with starting positions swapped. First one to win a game wins the match.


                  • Good job Paul nice to see you have learned to play without the game cheats.

                    Gary, Quinns just to name a few besides Ber can not only stand up to you but beat you time and time again. That is if you can finally handle losing.

                    Does this mean the self proclaimed god has finally learned to play fair? Heh sure keep your saves.

                    I see many more defeats for Paul in the future...

                    Keep up the good work Ber. ;0) Don't let this little teaser put you to sleep keep all saves and study them.
                    Paul does not like to lose...
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • Originally posted by blackice
                      Good job Paul nice to see you have learned to play without the game cheats.

                      Gary, Quinns just to name a few besides Ber can not only stand up to you but beat you time and time again. That is if you can finally handle losing.

                      Does this mean the self proclaimed god has finally learned to play fair? Heh sure keep your saves.

                      I see many more defeats for Paul in the future...

                      Keep up the good work Ber. ;0) Don't let this little teaser put you to sleep keep all saves and study them.
                      Paul does not like to lose...
             which way do i go..decisions deisions decisions..I haveBeen down this road before IT WAS FUN But really didnt lead anywhere other than some entertainment value, watching the weasels scrap

                      Nah..I think I'll leave well enuff alone....
                      for now...

                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • Good choice playing a fool simply does not suit you....You are way to nice for that...

                        I encourge everyone to save all games with paul, soon pauls games in the tourney will be availibale to all via a server. I encourage all to compare those games and others that will be on the server aswell. It will not be a competetion of wits just the facts.

                        I have no ill will against paul what so ever just trying as per the pbem let alone honor and good sportsmanship to inform players here of wrong doing and bad sportsmanship and or cheats, weakness...for the all mighty win.

                        Unlike in the past obviously some players here now, have personal agendas that have superceeded the entire reason for the success of pbem and it's roots.

                        Too bad we have a good thing going here unlike other dead unsupervised waste of time game leagues. It will servive dispite that and clean play will always be my, our focus. Dispite the facts I believe paul does like clean play and his loss to ber shows that let alone the fact that 6-8 month ago Gary could kick ber, me and or pauls a$$ and yet lol never won a game against paul hummm.

                        Paul once said to me he does ramp, rush buy etc. when he is losing to gain the advantage for the win. I am sure I do not have to post that screen shot do I paul?

                        But I do know paul loves a challenge and loves a good game of ctp. I also know paul does not need to use this crap to win but pride and profile and facts show sometimes even the best resort to "tricks" "cheats" for the all mighty win.

                        Regardless I will continue to expose and continue to keep pbem and our online gaming cheat free. If you choose to attack me for this so be it. I will continue to present facts as with the 3 value of pw which now is an absolute proof of the game cheats use. For those of you who have tested it you know this to be true and an absolute fact.

                        So understand this is not a personal thing, me against paul nadda. This is me studing an enormous amount of game saves and several years and several players input and the cheat methods. Just be aware it is used and it is common. Paul was singled out by me to bring this to the forum and to show sometimes the best are not what they seem to all times.

                        Good gaming! Play on...
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • Thanks for all your hard work! I do try to behave myself

                          So, from here, we go forward, and yes, CTP!!


                          Awesome addictive gaming experience!

                          List of great things coming out of

                          "THE GREAT WHITE NORTH"

                          #3-Bachman Turner Overdrive

                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • Ya right you forgot women, oil, natural resources, basketball and finally the CFL. Just to name a few.
                            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                            Or do we?


                            • Anyone up for a game? the lobby has been empty for a while...
                              My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                              • I am...dont profess to be a pro but ill give you a run for your gold err money lol

                                Email me of youre into a serious available anytime at the mo on vac from work...err extended vac that is

                                anytime 10am GMT - 12am GMT

