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Siege of Trolldom

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  • Siege of Trolldom

    This starts the commuiques of what promises to be a long and winding road!

    Pharoah Troll
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    As soon as you can get an email through to me, that is

    (I don't think it's problems at my end, because I'm not even getting an error message... )
    "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


    • #3
      Originally posted by Seige
      As soon as you can get an email through to me, that is

      (I don't think it's problems at my end, because I'm not even getting an error message... )
      Ah!! My scribes have found it is important to feed the Hamsters to allow them the energy and will to make it around the great wheel to power up communications!

      All is up and running!

      Pharoah Troll
      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4
        Oh lucky day! The Nation of Canada has been founded upon a river! Ottawa will be a mighty port city, and the river will nurture her growth! Reports also indicite an abundance of sugar cane. There can be no better nation than Canada.
        "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


        • #5
          Cairo is the first city founded in the new world, founded upon Beaver, which will give us many pelts to trade and clothe with!

          I do hope we can all live harmoniously!

          Pharoah Troll
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #6
            The city is up. Ottawa is born! But her wise leader is already looking ahead. "Exploration is the next step," mutters Lord Seige, and so it shall be done.
            "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


            • #7
              I shall hope to soon recieve some correspondance from Prime Minister Siege!

              Pharoah Troll
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #8
                As I set out with exploration as an immediate goal, obtainable as we speak, I hear birds singing, A Great Nation is rising up! Behold the majestic people as they grow strong!

                I will certainly be impressed by such a message, hoping to set up meeting, exchange dialogue...soon..we shall see...soon....

                Turn 9 sent
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • #9
                  Rumors have reached Canada that there are others on this planet who work together as a nation, and that nation is called Egypt. "Some day," thinks Prime Minister Seige, "our paths will cross."

                  Meanwhile, a new city has been discovered! At first appearing to be ancient ruins, it turned out to be a perfectly workable city. Preparations are being made to relocate the city to a more desirable neighborhood.
                  "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


                  • #10
                    ____________*** __THE CANADIAN POST__ ***__________
                    __________________________________________________ ______________
                    dline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline n
                    Settler Vanished!
                    dline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline news --- headline n

                    Prime Minister Seige called an emergency press conference today to address
                    the grim fate a settler suffered earlier that day. The following is an excerpt from
                    his speech:

                    "First contact with another civilization has been made. And
                    it wasn't friendly. A slaver has kidnapped a completely
                    unarmed Canadian. The nation is outraged. Not a single
                    Canadian will rest until revenge has been claimed."

                    Although Seige does not seem to know who is responsible, it is very clear
                    that action will be taken. The settler was a man in his early twenties. He was
                    equipped for a week's travel, and given enough supplies to found Canada's
                    third city. His family is reported to be devestated by sorrow, yet they are
                    still on record as saying "Nothing can bring him back now. But we trust that
                    Seige will take appropriate steps to keep this from ever happening again."
                    A ceremonial flag-lowering ceremony was held, and feelings of patriotism
                    are uniting Canadians like never before. The settler's name will be released

                    Pharoah Troll's Response

                    I too have passed "Fat Jack's Slaver Service". He left me a card. Pity, picking on unarmed civilians like that! The outrage! The dishonor! I hall consult my Labor Union Chief and "advise" to "review" policies on "Forced Labor"

                    Pharoah Troll
                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #11
                      Are you all folks still at the funeral, or does your country "Mourn" this long??
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • #12
                        Are you all folks still at the funeral, or does your country "Mourn" this long??
                        Turn 16 already sent once, and now resent...
                        "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


                        • #13
                          Right back at ya babe!

                          Sorry, my crows didnt see yer carrier pigeon!!

                          Pharoah Troll
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #14
                            No harm done. Wait a minute, crows?! Have your dirty birds been eating my pigeons?!
                            "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Seige
                              No harm done. Wait a minute, crows?! Have your dirty birds been eating my pigeons?!
                     wasnt exactly "eating" that they were doing!!
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

