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Love Conquers? Part X

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  • IIRC, Shavlor was a real warmonger.
    veni vidi PWNED!


    • Hadn't had the chance to notice that.

      We played three deathmatches together which can't be a good criterion as all get warmonger sooner or later in such games, but only once in a standard game and he was quite peacefull there.


      • Turn played!

        Inca and Thailand(!) are no more!

        Thanks for subbing for us FG!

        BTW I can't see the goddamned Wormhole even though I meet all the criteria...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • "The crew of the Welsh submarine Cardiff watched with terror the monster passing by. The noise war terrible and the look like a giant octapus. They called the headquarters and notified for the horrible event. The chief of the Welsh Navy asked for the backup video. When the transmission arrived through secure channel the chief started laughing out loud. When the captain of the Cardiff ask what was that funny the chief responded that it was a mechanical wonder of Greece and it's purpose was to establish the foundations for undersea colonization. He also added ironically to watch out for the monsters deadly fart!"

          BTW, Wales welcomes the Tai in this world... and farewell

          Turn 218 to Rick.


          • Turn 219 to Tomas de Torquemada

            Greece joins the world in expressing appreciation to Faded Glory for standing at the helm of Inca!

            But we mourn the loss of Thailand...just as we were about to call for an order of Pad Thai and Green Papaya Salad to be delivered to Troy, we find they are no more!

            Our Sea Engineer send greetings to our friends in Wales, and urges their submarine to avoid our wake as we pass by!

            On a more somber note, we are disappointed to find that the word of Tomas de Torquemada seems to mean so little. After promising to stay out of Greece, federal security forces discovered a Spanish lawyer and Cyber Ninja not only inside territorial Greece, but inside city limits as well.

            Greece was merciful to the spy, and merely deported her, but as for the lawyer, we looked to the words of Shakespeare for advice! Luckily, there was a legal option, so a fragile peace is still maintained.

            But Spain continues to act in an unseemly manner. A civilian Greek Sea Engineer in International waters was bullied by Spanish military thugs, and forced to return home. This is not the action of a civilized nation!

            And a Spanish Destroyer lurks menacingly inside the city limits of the very underwater city that was named to strengthen a bond of friendship that we hoped existed between our peoples.

            Greece is generously working to increase the entire world's scientific knowledge, so we continue to try to ignore these provocations, and hope that Spain will not push us Too Far!



            • Well thanks guys. I was just a stand in after Thor left. I walked into a bad position. I didnt expect to be anything more than a regional whore to Spain or Greece. MOBIUS, I suppose after taking my cities and looking at them you realise what a mistake you made?
              Now it seems you have alot of catching up to do.

              Thanks guys. I had fun!


              • Btw go Rick! (and keygen). Im cheering for you! Boo...MOBIUS, damn tyrant.. He's gonna kill me in all my games, Swissy2 now

                seems LM will be a serouis slogging match.


                • Originally posted by faded glory
                  Well thanks guys. I was just a stand in after Thor left. I walked into a bad position. I didnt expect to be anything more than a regional whore to Spain or Greece. MOBIUS, I suppose after taking my cities and looking at them you realise what a mistake you made?
                  Now it seems you have alot of catching up to do.

                  Thanks guys. I had fun!
                  What mistake? About a third of the forces I used got veteran status for steamrolling a bunch of obsolete units for the loss of one Interceptor of mine (only cos I was careless - maybe 5-6 units even got damaged!). I now have a large strike force right next to what seem to be two of Rick's biggest producing cities. I knew you had at least a couple of stacks of decent units lying around, they could be allowed to remain a thorn in my side. Your Civ actually does project a decent amount of infrastructure and Gold - it certainly pays for itself!

                  Nope, I think I did OK thanks!

                  Yeah, LM should at least be a bit of a challenge (there is no satisfaction to be gained for beating a stand in opponent who started in a weakened position out of his control) - if I see a turn sometime soon! (HINT, HINT!)
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • Well, not to speak bad about those, that are no more among us (as players, that is). Ok, Then I do as you really want me to do :

                    But about King Thor.

                    I was able to beat the guts out of him in the DC game just before Klair, Slamp and Don killed me and St. Jon and Fraser (in the very same turn).

                    One more of his carat on the capitalistic dogs side (not pointed at Blackice this time, he took over the last nation, the Germans (as far as I remembered), former ruled by Ed (the most peaceloving player I have ever seen))... hey where was I?? - ehh.. Blackice! No not him. Let'me'see: King Thor. Yes there I was - and yet..... No. if only Slamp or Don had been a Klair-puppet also, then St. Jon, Frazer and I would have won. And that's for sure.

                    And we would not have had any problems getting Klair off as no. One in the rakings.

                    I have never played with another player as St. Jon. A master of manipulating. Oh, I enjoyed it, though I knew he was taking me along the road down to hell.

                    BTW: I accepted to be rated as no 6/7/8(!) of 8 players from the start (take that)! The english (me), the Vikings (Frazer) and the germans (Ed/Blackice) "fought" to be last.

                    Edit: I wrote this post the way I did on purpose .
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • Turn 220 to Tomas de Torquemada

                      Originally posted by MOBIUS

                      I now have a large strike force right next to what seem to be two of Rick's biggest producing cities.

                      Really? Which ones? I have so very many high-producing cities!

                      But Tomas, since you're astronauts are not up to the task of finding the Wormhole, Greek NASA has been kind enough to provide these images from space of it's last known location as of this turn. If this map is still not sufficient, we are informed that it is now directly east of Thebes...3 squares to be exact.

                      Now perhaps you will repay this act of neighbourliness by refraining from harrasing my poor unarmed sea engineers!

                      But even as 10 Greek cities celebrate (probably over just having built the alien fetus), a strange thing has happened. greece has been plunged into Anarchy! How this could have happened is a mystery to us, but we are not pleased!

                      But if any nation should be low enough to think of taking advantage of this game bug, they should note that even in a state of Anarchy, Greek production remains formidable, and our military are still on high alert!

                      Attached Files


                      • Finally Spain has joined the Alien Achaeology Race, after emerging from the collective national blindness to Wormholes that has blighted it these past two cycles!

                        All systems are go as the Spanish Republic enters a new phase!

                        Originally posted by Rick Elkins
                        Really? Which ones? I have so very many high-producing cities!
                        Indeed, all potential high producing cities within the Greek Empire have been duly noted and their details passed on to the relative interested parties - actually a useful side-effect from having to scour space in such a systematic manner lately. Some interesting troop formations there...

                        But Tomas, since you're astronauts are not up to the task of finding the Wormhole, Greek NASA has been kind enough to provide these images from space of it's last known location as of this turn. If this map is still not sufficient, we are informed that it is now directly east of Thebes...3 squares to be exact.
                        Thanks for the heads up, as if to really rub it in the Wormhole appeared instantly on our monitors as our operatives signed onto their day's shift!

                        Now perhaps you will repay this act of neighbourliness by refraining from harrasing my poor unarmed sea engineers!
                        That all depends on whether Greek Sea Engineers refrain from trespassing on the 'Greater Spanish Oceanic Rift'...

                        But even as 10 Greek cities celebrate (probably over just having built the alien fetus), a strange thing has happened. greece has been plunged into Anarchy! How this could have happened is a mystery to us, but we are not pleased!
                        Greece has been building a lot of cities lately - perhaps this number has finally exceeded the administrative capabilities of Greece's bureaucrats and pen pushers?

                        But if any nation should be low enough to think of taking advantage of this game bug, they should note that even in a state of Anarchy, Greek production remains formidable, and our military are still on high alert!

                        Of course - that would indeed be a terrible thing to do...

                        We will remain vigilant, but we doubt that the Welsh would consider mounting such a dastardly attack!


                        Tomas de Torquemada
                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • Turn 221 to Tomas de Torquemada

                          Notwithstanding the previous actions of Spain, Greece intended to continue to take the high road when it came to foreign relations.

                          But upon discovering that Spain had AGAIN booted a Greek Sea Engineer from International Waters, we wondered at their motives. Obviously they wished to take by ill manners what they could not achieve by the enterprise shown by Greek engineers, who had got to the scene first (and 2nd too, I might add!).

                          So upon investigation, we indeed discovered a Spanish Sea Engineer hurrying to the rift that Greece had claimed first...a rift that has caused a rift, one might say!

                          We did intend to take the high road......but then we learned that Spain in a paroxysm of hostility had booted Greek Diplomats as well... so the Spanish Sea Engineer has been booted from the area as well!

                          We hope that this will be the end of these unseemly episodes. Greece will refrain from interference on the high seas if Spain will do likewise.



                          • Although Spain has yet to colonise the rift, Spain has had a major naval presence there many years before Greece saw fit to plonk a city onto territory Spain claims!

                            Spain has magnanamously allowed this city to remain (probably partly because it is named 'Torquemadaville' ), but we would ask Greece to refrain from further attempts.

                            Greece should consider this point: How was Spain able to evict these units?

                            Answer: Because we were there first!

                            Spain has not evicted the units this time, in the hopes that Greece will see the error of her ways and turn them back!
                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • Turn 222 to Tomas de Torquemada

                              Actually, Spain was able to boot the Sea Engineer because in the spirit of International Peace, Greece had sent her settlers as a purely civilian mission. We did not expect a warlike response from Spain!

                              But Greece shall continue to refrain from such actions, and we remain convinced that in the spirit of peace, Tomas de Torquemada shall not further interfere with our Sea Engineers.

                              For such actions would seem pointless now that Greek futurists have reported that Spain shall not have time to enjoy any cities that might be founded on this "rift of disagreement"! It appears that one way or another, a conclusion to all our cosmic questions will soon be at hand.

                              Sadly, Greece is still in this bizarre and unasked for state of Anarchy. Considering that Greece has been careful to remain below the threshold mark for the number of cities we maintain, and judging by the numerous celebrations we have been experiencing due to our very high happiness levels, this is can only be the result of a game bug. Luckily, it is only a minor annoyance...



                              • Originally posted by Rick Elkins
                                Turn 222 to Tomas de Torquemada

                                Actually, Spain was able to boot the Sea Engineer because in the spirit of International Peace, Greece had sent her settlers as a purely civilian mission. We did not expect a warlike response from Spain!
                                Nothing warlike about escorting obviously lost and distressed Greek units to the nearest friendly home city...

                                For such actions would seem pointless now that Greek futurists have reported that Spain shall not have time to enjoy any cities that might be founded on this "rift of disagreement"! It appears that one way or another, a conclusion to all our cosmic questions will soon be at hand.
                                Spain is of the opinion that Greece should not count it's alien embryos just yet - there's no telling what might happen between now and then...

                                Sadly, Greece is still in this bizarre and unasked for state of Anarchy. Considering that Greece has been careful to remain below the threshold mark for the number of cities we maintain, and judging by the numerous celebrations we have been experiencing due to our very high happiness levels, this is can only be the result of a game bug. Luckily, it is only a minor annoyance...

                                Spain hopes for a swift resolution in this matter - given that some Greek hothead might take advantage of this anarchy and cause an international incident...

                                Spain thinks that perhaps we to were blighted by a similar bug when considering the 'invisible wormhole'.

                                Still, one must be philosophical!

                                Now, Spain must formally complain to the Welsh over the trespass of a sub of theirs into Spanish territory!

                                Normally such things are taken in our stride, but this time the sub has occupied an Advanced Fishery of a city with a very tight food situation indeed - this has put Katherine into deficit!

                                Move the Sub now or it will be sunk!

                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

