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Love Conquers? Part X

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  • #46
    Slavers can no longer be built, but the Emancipation Wonder has not yet been completed.

    I guess no one in this game has enough slaves for that Wonder to have been a priority for anyone.


    • #47
      ...and I should mention that since France did not respond to the Greek offer for peace, and attacked Greek units last turn, Greece has taken more French cities this turn...

      And no blame for the nuclear war should go to General Bird. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the evil and now departed St Jon!!

      But the offer for peace still stands.



      • #48
        The French nation was born in blood - and it will die in blood.

        Now France is in war with the spanish too. Several spanish troopers died on old french soil this morning!
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #49
          Turn 206--> General Glorita

          Greece cannot tolerate foreign nations fighting on the doorstep of the Greek city of Paris!

          All that noise is disturbing our winemakers!

          Please take your battle beyond the city limits of Paris immediately!



          • #50
            Turn 207--> General Glorita

            Greece notes the continued shrinkage of the French empire.

            One more formerly French city is now Greek, one more is now Spanish, and reconnaissance by a Greek Interceptor has shown that one has ceased to exist altogether! (although the circumstances behind its disappearance are not known to us).



            • #51
              This game is still going on? Looks like my former ally Rick is in the lead. I'm curious to see how my former Incans are doing? Would you mind sending me a turn Rick? I'm sure the world has changed much since I was last assassinated . My email address is .


              • #52
                Hiya Quinns!

                Sure, I'll send you a turn.

                A lot of things have changed since you were ruler of Inca. For example, thermonuclear war, a major flood...!


                • #53
                  Tomas de Torquemada has returned!

                  But is off to go hiking over the Weekend in about a couple of hours...

                  Keep up the good work!
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #54
                    Oh gawd, anyway. I was hoping I could get a bone from someone. Who can throw robotics my way?

                    Hey Mobius.


                    • #55
                      In the spirit of The Holy Saint Jon, France shall fight until the very end.

                      Turn to the Spanish (both of them ) 12 hours ago.
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #56
                        Turn 208--> General Glorita

                        The last of the French cities are now Greek.

                        A big thank-you to Birdman for taking over after St Jon left. It was good playing with you, and I look forward to future games with you!


                        Greece looks forward to the return of Tomas de Torquemada to the reign in Spain (which is mainly on the plain).

                        As we now share many borders, it is to be hoped that you will display a greater friendship toward Greece than has been the Spanish custom in the past...

                        Attached Files


                        • #57
                          As we now share many borders, it is to be hoped that you will display a greater friendship toward Greece than has been the Spanish custom in the past...
                          No-no-no......... KILL

                          Kill those bastards - shoot all men between their eyes, rape the women and use all the money in the nearest inns (last job is for you Faded ).
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #58
                            The French have been uterly defeated?!?!

                            My congratulations to Rick

                            Too bad that Jon isn't around to see it


                            • #59
                              Oh dear - poor French...

                              Ahem... Thanks to Birdman for helping us out!

                              OK, fresh from walking in the Budawangs (yes, it DOES sound painful! ) these past few days, I WILL be able to play turn 209...

                              Thanks also Don for keeping the throne warm!

                              More detailed communications will be forthcoming once I'm properly sorted out over here!

                              Cheers everyone!
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #60
                                Mob, let us know when you will be sorted out so we can start "Veterans In Arms"

