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Strife Part IV

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  • #46
    turn 97 to Seige


    • #47
      Attack aborted, units directed elsewhere for different purposes. Whoever takes over PN's civ will not have a battle-ready army waiting on their doorstep.
      "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


      • #48
        I will not able to play before 12h, don't hesitate to sub me.
        Zobo Ze Warrior
        Your brain is your worst enemy!


        • #49
          Turn sent
          Zobo Ze Warrior
          Your brain is your worst enemy!


          • #50
            Zobo Ze Warrior
            Your brain is your worst enemy!


            • #51
              Is this game still happening???


              • #52
                I wouldn't mind taking PN's place. I still have some time left for a PBEM.

                If someone could send me a turn of PN so I have an idea what I'm getting myself in to, I'd be gratefull.

                If you would like to know what kind of player I am, just check out Face of Earth.
                ...They reach Hell's levels, and form the springs that fill
                The sunless gulf we passed of Acheron,
                And, draining thence, the Styx, and Phlegethon....



                • #53
                  Who played the last turn ?

                  I think that keygen is out !
                  Zobo Ze Warrior
                  Your brain is your worst enemy!


                  • #54
                    Acheron is okay !

                    Welcome as leader of english !
                    Zobo Ze Warrior
                    Your brain is your worst enemy!


                    • #55
                      Turn 98 resent to Seige


                      • #56
                        Thanx for the kind words ZobeZeWarrior

                        I haven't been here very long but am already feeling quite @ home.

                        Hope I will find new allies in Strife
                        ...They reach Hell's levels, and form the springs that fill
                        The sunless gulf we passed of Acheron,
                        And, draining thence, the Styx, and Phlegethon....



                        • #57
                          We have 2 problems actualy :
                          1) the game turn is lost
                          2) our moderator is lost too !
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • #58

                            I don't know about playing while modding, but if it's allowed, I'll play mod untill the mod returns.

                            If everyone could send their last turn they sent to the next player 2 , I'll figure out who should get the next turn.

                            RPG part

                            The English leader has yet to find a way to give orders to his people.

                            Although patience is a quality a good leader should posess, I'm getting curious about the status of my empire For all I know my people are still worhiping the God of Grass @ Stonehenge
                            ...They reach Hell's levels, and form the springs that fill
                            The sunless gulf we passed of Acheron,
                            And, draining thence, the Styx, and Phlegethon....



                            • #59
                              I will ask somebody to help us (maybe birdman) ...
                              Zobo Ze Warrior
                              Your brain is your worst enemy!


                              • #60
                                Gav will be our moderator now !
                                Zobo Ze Warrior
                                Your brain is your worst enemy!

