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Conquer!!! part V

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  • #31
    Turn to Faded.

    The Phoenicians have - indirectly - asked us, the assyrians, for our point of view to their acts.

    We have now given our answer. We have offered the americans a little gift of gold, hoping this can help paying their "debt" to an agressive facist state.

    Though we know, that military we shall be of no challance to the fasicts dictatorships, we will stand up in public. We shall deny them the feelings, that all the world will fall on their knees just because of their aggression.

    King of Assyrian. The one with no name.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #32
      As I had mentioned earlier, our old communist government had left us on low income. We would have been able to pay more than 200 in the following turns. As far as the maps are concerned, I would have offered them once the peace agreement had been finalised and accepted by both sides.

      Unfortunately it appears that the Phoenicians are not really interested in peace and just looking for excuses to continue their aggression, but in the interest of peace we are willing to give this one more try. On our next turn, we will offer 300 gold to the Phoenicians and offer our maps. We expect that the Phoenician leader will accept this because it means full acceptance of their terms for peace.


      • #33
        The Assyrians of all nations should not be flinging about accusations of "dictatorships" and "aggression". Especially not against the enlightened Fascist Alliance that is the ECCS...

        Incan Intellegence has proved time and again, that Assyria is more than willing to whore out her assets, when the price is right.

        Moreover, a shadow confederation of corrupt nations are taking shape. This alliance has only the intention, which is the undermining of Fascist Unity, and Global Fascism. The Nations of Persia and Assyria have actively supported attempts against stamping out Corrupt regimes, and future threats.

        For now, the peace stands with america and this decadent Shadow confederation. We are willing to reverse are stands on both, should any threats to ECCS soveriengty appear.

        And so for the first time, the world is now divided into two camps. A line separates the Enlightened, from the Corrupt. Those well off, and the downtrodden. The Master Race, and the Monkey People... Lest this line ever be crossed......there will be hell to pay.

        Only our Russian friends remain nuetral. A true friendship both between sides....Russian nuetrality should always be respected.

        Fuhuer Glory,

        Turn to Maestro
        Last edited by faded glory; February 23, 2002, 18:01.


        • #34
          Turn 116 to Kralj.


          • #35
            Turn 116 > J.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Paul
              As I had mentioned earlier, our old communist government had left us on low income. We would have been able to pay more than 200 in the following turns. As far as the maps are concerned, I would have offered them once the peace agreement had been finalised and accepted by both sides.

              Unfortunately it appears that the Phoenicians are not really interested in peace and just looking for excuses to continue their aggression, but in the interest of peace we are willing to give this one more try. On our next turn, we will offer 300 gold to the Phoenicians and offer our maps. We expect that the Phoenician leader will accept this because it means full acceptance of their terms for peace.
              Out of Turn Post

              Americans the Phonecians would have been more likely to have accepted your position last turn had you given us prior warning and asked for permission to defer payment and to provide maps the following turn. We now look forward to a long a peaceful relationship.

              Please disband all cities behind the boundaries of Phonecia. Its your choice whether to leave Portland or not. If it stays, once it is at population size 2 then we will take over. If Portland will not be size 2 in a few turns please disband and head to the nearest Phonecian city. We will issue stop tresspassing agreements and guarantee your settlers safe passage back to the nearest American city.
              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


              • #37
                Thanks for complying with the Peace Treaty Long live peace

                BTW Turn to Birdman
                Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                • #38
                  Und weiter zu Herren H..... sorry Mr. Faded ( german is my best as you can see )
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #39
                    With Peace Secured, forces are fortifying there holdings......

                    The Fininance Council report's that 1/3 of the reparations to Inca have been paid. Raping the up, in 3-4 turns.

                    The Shadow confederations.....seems to be active. Most the persians, who are belching dirty fumes into the air, and soiling there own Beds. The behavouir is unnacceptable to the Fascist Nations. And 'Diplomatic' pressure is hence being applied on Dictator Kralz, to stop dirtying the air we all breathe....

                    Meanwhile, Deputy Fuhuer Petros has issued an official warning to the Americans, reminding them not to violate the DMZ agreed too.....

                    Fuhuer Glory,
                    Brüder von Fascism, vereinigen! .

                    Und weiter zu Herren H..... sorry Mr. Faded ( german is my best as you can see )
                    I am Incan..anyway? But why not play along?


                    • #40
                      Turn 117 to Kralj


                      • #41
                        Turn 117 > J.

                        Please somebody lend me some vacuum cleaners.


                        • #42
                          Turn 118 to Nuke Boy


                          • #43
                            American Leader,

                            What was your decision with respect to Portland? We have never received a firm reply from you on this subject.

                            Peace between Phonecia and the Americans continues. A total of 600 gold has been paid in reparations.

                            BTW Turn to Birdman
                            Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                            • #44
                              I has only two thing to report.

                              A forgiegn spy who launched an Ill-faded attempt of espionage on a Inca city. But experienced Gestapo Fascist Agents broke up the plot. Now then, we are investigating this matter. The Agents nationality is unknown.

                              The other being the creation of Recycling plants. These will help us to slow down our pollution output, as revised GDP figures show that in 10 seasons, Inca may hit 15-16,000 units.

                              Fuhuer Glory


                              • #45
                                Turn 118 to Kralj. Phoenician leader, Portland is now size two, so do with it as you wish.

