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Touchy Subject

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  • #31

    ok heh I deserved this

    *(Well, right about that time people
    A fur-trapper (who was strictly from commercial)

    Had the unmitigated audacity to jump up from behind my igloo (peekaboo) )
    And he started into whippin' on my favorite baby seal
    With a lead-filled snowshoe)*

    I said, with a
    With a lead filled snowshoe
    He said, "Peekaboo"
    I said, with a
    With a lead filled snowshoe
    He said, "Peekaboo"
    He went right upside the head of my favorite baby seal
    he went "whap" with a lead-filled snowshoe, and
    he hit him on the nose and hit him on the fin, and he
    that got me just about as evil as an eskimo boy can be. So I bent down
    and I reached down, and I scooped down and I gathered up a generous
    mitten-ful of the deadly *YELLOW SNOW*

    The deadly yellow snow, from right there where the huskies go!

    Whereupon I proceeded to take that mittenful of the deadly yellow snow
    crystals and rub it all into his beady little eyes with a vigorous
    circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
    to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology
    here it goes,the circular motion, now Rub It!

    *(Here Fido)*

    And then
    In a fit of anger
    I pounced

    And I pounced again

    Great Googly Moogly!

    I jumped up and down on the chest of the him

    I injured
    The fur trapper

    Well he was very upset, as you can understand
    And rightly so, because the
    Deadly yellow snow crystals had
    Deprived him of his

    And he stood up, and he looked around, and he said

    "I can't see"
    "I can't see"
    "Oh, woe is me"
    "I can't see"

    " know
    I can't see

    "He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my right eye
    He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my other eye
    And the husky wee-wee
    I mean the doggie wee-wee
    Has blinded me
    And I can't see

    Well, the fur-trapper stood there, with his arms outstretched across the
    frozen white wasteland, trying to figure out what he was going to do about
    his deflicted eyes. And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
    and ancient Eskimo legend, wherein it is written (on whatever it is that
    they write it on up there) that if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
    as the result of some sort of conflict with anyone named
    the only way you can get it fixed up is to go

    Trudging across the tundra
    Mile after mile
    Trudging across the tundra

    Right down to the parish of St. Alphonzo

    For lung
    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
    Or do we?


    • #32
      The above is an excerpt from the book 'Memoirs of a Canadian', author Blackice, available at all Good Bookstores... Get yours today ....
      He's back after a fashion...


      • #33
        Nanook Rubs It Lyrics From Frank Zappa Apostrophy Album all rights reserved. Lol Gav he was an AMERICAN But a F***ing good sound writter, musician all round good guy

        Ok lets sign Catholic girls with their cute little mustash....


        Dirty Love Lyrics

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        Like you might surrender
        To some dragon in your dreams

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        Like a pink donation
        To the dragon in your dreams

        I don't need your sweet devotion
        I don't want your cheap emotion
        Just whip me up some dragon lotion
        For your dirty love

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        Like some tacky little pamphlet
        In your daddy's bottom drawer

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        I don't believe you have ever seen
        That book before

        I don't need no consolation
        I don't want your reservation
        I only got one destination
        An' that's your dirty love

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        Just like your mama
        Make her fuzzy poodle do

        Give me
        Your dirty love
        The way your mama
        Make that nasty poodle chew

        I'll ignore your cheap aroma
        And your little-bo-peep diploma
        I'll just put you in a coma
        With some dirty love

        (Come on, Frenchie)
        (Snap it!)
        (Come on, Frenchie)
        (Snap it!)

        Ya gotta love Frank
        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
        Or do we?


        • #34
          It's not Frank who bothers me. It's Moon Unit and Dweezel I worry about.
          "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


          • #35
            Is this some kind of Canadian Music???

            IF so, can you guys pleaaaasee come and get Alanis Morisette

            I think you left her here


            • #36
              Yeh, okay Faded. As soon as you explain what you've been doing with our Bare Naked Ladies!!
              "To be a scientist, you must never be afraid of people thinking you're a fool." - Wonko the Sane


              • #37
                'Ora si que la chingamos

                Chale ñeros, la neta no se que tranza con ustedes, imagínense que la siguiente vez les llegue en pocho sus mensajes del CTP, ni con el mejor traductor lograrían entender... pa'que les digo.

                Ya dejen de fumar mota.

                BlakcIce vete alivianando,} yo tengo que reventarme a huevo el
                CTP en ingles y la neta no me late... pero ya que, es parte de la diversión.


                • #38
                  man berX. Either your spanish is wrong, or this transalator is ****ed up!

                  ' Or if that the chingamos

                  Chale ñeros, the net one that tranza with you, imagínense who the following time arrive in pocho their messages to them from the CTP, nor with the best translator would manage to understand... páque I do not say myself to them.

                  They already let smoke speck.

                  BlakcIce vetoes lightening, } I must burst to egg the CTP to me in ingles and the net one does not bark to me... but since, it is part of the diversion. .


                  • #39
                    Quiénes son los chingamos?

                    ¿Amperio hora ber usted es los marihuanos? ¿Usted tiene gusto de quemar del coliflor tostar, motivosa? estoy chingado

                    ¡Recuerde el cruda del la del evite, borracho del permanezca!
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by faded glory
                      man berX. Either your spanish is wrong, or this transalator is ****ed up!

                      Oh dear, I must be ill..... It makes perfect sense to me!!
                      He's back after a fashion...


                      • #41
                        err...shouldnt chiganos transalate?

                        and this?

                        "They already let smoke speck. "

                        Wtf does that mean?

                        keep reading..

                        "BlakcIce vetoes lightening, } I must burst to egg the CTP to me in ingles and the net one does not bark to me... but since, it is part of the diversion. . "

                        Burst egg the CTP to me in ingles? and the net one doesnt bark to me?

                        dude your sick....let me get you some Thera-Flu


                        • #42
                 waiting for solver to move to this to the Off-Topic again


                          • #43
                            I'm going to try to correct in spanish what Ice wrote:

                            Quiénes son los chingamos?
                            ¿Quiénes nos chingamos?

                            ¿Amperio hora ber usted es los marihuanos? ¿Usted tiene gusto de quemar del coliflor tostar, motivosa? estoy chingado
                            ¿Pero ahora ber eres tu el mariguano? ¿Te gusta quemar hierva? que chinga

                            ¡Recuerde el cruda del la del evite, borracho del permanezca!
                            Recuerde para evitar la cruda ¡permanezca borracho!

                            BTW smoke marihuana don't make "cruda"


                            • #44
                              I was trying to show you that Ice have a point here, even with the best translator a lot of messages have not meaning.

                              In a game some guy sent me his turn in german... he sent me a gift and I rejected it 'cos I didn't knew wich button press next turn I click other button and now I accepted it.

                              If you want to know what I wrote I'll try best:

                              1. Spanish
                              2. Translator
                              3. My translation (awful I think)

                              1. 'Ora si que la chingamos
                              2. Or if that the chingamos
                              3. We had a problem here (this is f***ed)

                              1. Chale ñeros, la neta no se que tranza con ustedes, imagínense que la siguiente vez les llegue en pocho sus mensajes del CTP, ni con el mejor traductor lograrían entender... pa'que les digo.

                              2. Chale ñeros, the net one that tranza with you, imagínense who the following time arrive in pocho their messages to them from the CTP, nor with the best translator would manage to understand... páque I do not say myself to them.

                              3. Come on guys, I don't know what's wrong with you, could you imagine next time you got a CTP turn all written in "pocho" (my spanish), nor with the best translator would manage to understand... why I said more.

                              1.Ya dejen de fumar mota.
                              2.They already let smoke speck.
                              3.Stop smoking marihuana

                              1.BlakcIce vete alivianando,} yo tengo que reventarme a huevo el
                              CTP en ingles y la neta no me late... pero ya que, es parte de la diversión.

                              2.BlakcIce vetoes lightening, } I must burst to egg the CTP to me in ingles and the net one does not bark to me... but since, it is part of the diversion.

                              3.Take it easy BlackIce, I had to play (forced) CTP in english and you know what I don't like it very much... but what the hell, it's part of the fun

                              You need a better translator


                              • #45
                                This MUST NEVER be moved to Off-Topic

                                If so, every Apolytoners would know, that we are completely insane .

                                On the other hand - they already knows about me and Faded.....

                                So what the heck !
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


