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Clash of the Civilizations game

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  • #31
    Sorry gav...I keep hearing you say "tribes". What do you mean

    If BerX and Dev start in S.America me think Blackice and Nimrod should start in Asia (India/China?). Hey.....those Himilayan's got you all set for production later on

    Faded I have an extra player
    Who is it?


    • #32
      Ok so there is

      Team 1: Faded Glory, Nuke boy (North America. Native American, American)

      Team 2: DeVil, BerXpert (South America, Incan/Brazilian)

      Team 3: Gavrushka, And his mysterouis assistant (Europe, Russia/?)

      Team 4: Blackice and Nimrod (Asia or Africa...there pick)


      • #33
        Make sure everyone has access to prod faded, An extra mountain range or two at your discretion!

        Erm what about Bird?? He wanted in this game too.... I think you run two games?? I can moderate one if you like
        He's back after a fashion...


        • #34
          Originally posted by Gavrushka
          Make sure everyone has access to prod faded, An extra mountain range or two at your discretion!

          Erm what about Bird?? He wanted in this game too.... I think you run two games?? I can moderate one if you like

          Sure.....I could do it. But if you insist .

          I will email Max to see if he's interested

          He is sleeping in Copenhaagen right now. So when he wakes up for work tommorrow. He should have an answer
          Last edited by faded glory; January 8, 2002, 22:16.


          • #35
            15 km north-northwest of Copenhagen pls (not in "The Whisky-Belt" as we call the expensive area north of Copenhagen ).

            Ok, I'll join Gav. He can take Russia, then I'll take England.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #36
              I vote for Asia. Blackice?
              So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


              • #37
                Hey fad... I think americas is too small for 4 players compared with all the land you can have in euro-afro-asia continent for the other 4 players

                ...well I don't realy know but I'm guessing.


                • #38
                  umm ya but Im going to expand the coast lines a tad. Besides, the new world isnt as far apart on the ACS map then in real life. It will look good and real tho. Nothing crazy. As for Asia, and new world. You know, Africa and Antartica are empty

                  C'mon. I can deal with Sharing N.America with Nuke Boy. It shouldnt be to difficult. But your concerns are noted, and now I will expand the shore lines and add more realistic mountains.


                  • #39
                    Changes made

                    I will send you each the screen shots who requested special things be done......


                    • #40
                      Could you count me in for the Clash of the Civilizations game, if there are any places left.


                      • #41
                        Alesia, I informed Faded of your impending arrival, and you will be my team mate for this game if that is Okay with you?

                        Bird, sorry, I had posted earlier about the new player who was joining this game.... and it would be Very unfair to have two seasoned veterans of such world renown as the almighty Tweety and the thrice maligned Gavrushka on the same team...

                        However, I think Faded has agreed to keep this thread open for another game, and I will moderate the second..
                        He's back after a fashion...


                        • #42
                          Gavrushka thanks!

                          As a fellow Briton do we get Europe?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Alesia

                            As a fellow Briton do we get Europe?
                            Well, if we don't, (we may be starting with Asia) we will soon have Europe annexed...

                            I think Faded Glory has us starting as Europe/Asia..... Just a small playground to start with, but I am sure those Boundaries will just keep on a moving outwards....
                            He's back after a fashion...


                            • #44
                              Even better! Stalin could never have beaten Hitler if he had not had all the resources of the Trans-Ural and Eurasian areas. Geographically even greater than those of North America.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Alesia
                                Even better! Stalin could never have beaten Hitler if he had not had all the resources of the Trans-Ural and Eurasian areas. Geographically even greater than those of North America.

                                Stalin Could never have beaten Hitler, without the Superb military Tacticians, Gavrushka and Alesia at his command.....
                                He's back after a fashion...

