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World Story Part I

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  • turn 29

    As to my previous post.

    keygen was sent the move also.



    • Sorry about that Jsirucka...

      I shouldn't had accused you so fast.

      Now, can someone tell this ***** Aeroprinz to play his ***** turn before i got mad with this ****** game !!!


      • So, what are we doing now ????
        Start a new game... one more time...
        find other players ???
        I JUST WANT TO PLAY !!!
        o o
        Windows has detected your mouse has moved. Please reboot for the changes to take effect.


        • What the ***** are you doing, Aeroprinz ?????

          Not even a post to tell us what's hapenning !!!!
          I'm done with such people !!!


          • Jsirucka, i suggest that you "next" Aeroprinz by yourself. Then the game will continue.

            When i think that i've been stupidly nexted by Keygen after 2 days, and it's been 2 weeks now that we're waiting for aeroprinz...


            • perhaps can we find another player to continue this game...

              But please do something!!!!!!!!
              o o
              Windows has detected your mouse has moved. Please reboot for the changes to take effect.


              • I have not seen the turn for more then a week, why do you want to replace me?
                What ever you do, always think first!


                • I made my turn, and sitting and waiting for the next turn... If you have some problems with getting turn from me, you could at least mail me ... Everybody knows my adress...
                  So, if the problem is on my turn, I do not have it now, yesterday I have erased my sent folder, sent it again to me.
                  What ever you do, always think first!


                  • Originally posted by AeroPrinz
                    I have not seen the turn for more then a week, why do you want to replace me?
                    because we have no news from fast a month now...
                    o o
                    Windows has detected your mouse has moved. Please reboot for the changes to take effect.


                    • I have resent the turn to aeroprinz




                      • turn to lazutchik
                        What ever you do, always think first!


                        • Turn 29 to Djazid.

                          Good to play a turn ...


                          • Hi guys.

                            Just a tip. If the game stucks and I am not present for a reason you should next the delayed player. It's good to have a moderator but if he disappears as he did in this case the game will stuck for too long.

                            As far as I know Aeroprinz rarely read the threads so even if he has played his turn you might not be able to find it out unless you sent him an email. Now if you got no answer then it's time for nexting indeed.

                            New temporary email address: Send turns there.


                            • Damn, where is the turn, now ??


                              • i didn't receive anything from Djazid, so he must have the turn...
                                i'll ask him.
                                o o
                                Windows has detected your mouse has moved. Please reboot for the changes to take effect.

