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World Scenario Part VI

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  • World Scenario Part VI

    ...continued from World Scenario Part V.

    The Players

    Stavros: Stavros of the Brazilians (
    King Thor: Thor of the Germans (
    Keygen: Constantine of the Americans (
    Swissy: Swissy of the Assyrians (
    TheBirdMan: Shaka of the Zulus (
    Saddam: Fujimora of the Japanese (

    Game Settings

    Skill level: King
    Barbarian threat: Ruins Only
    Bloodlust: Off
    Pollution: On
    Map: World Map (8 civs) by ZAZ

    Initial Scenario Settings

    5 cities of population size 3.

    Other Settings

    24-hour rule

    Related Topics

    World Scenario Part V
    World Scenario Turns - Part IV
    World Scenario part III
    World Scenario Turn Post Part II
    World Scenario Turn Post
    New World Sceinario PBEM (Challenge)
    Last edited by Keygen; June 13, 2002, 21:09.

  • #2
    " Australia has been fully settled and borders has been fixed Shaka. I do not understand why you insist intruding my national waters. What is the purpose behind this aggressive and arrogant attitude? Be warned that if you are preparing for a major attack against me in Australia that I am ready crush any attempt. Preparations for retaliations are underway...

    America joined the nuclear group today. We now have the knowledge to build nuclear weapons!"

    High Priest Constantine

    Turn 135 to Swissy.


    • #3
      Turn to The Bird Man

      The Assyrian Space Agency has launched their first heavy payload rocket. With this the Assyrians will be able to orbit complex satellites to monitor the world and protect against nuclear missle launches.
      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


      • #4
        Guys, where is the turn?


        • #5
          Since I was the last post a turn, I'll resend to The Bird Man. (Turn 135)
          "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


          • #6
            no turn since last monday


            • #7
              Wrong Faded.

              Turn 135 was sent to you 25. october, then reforwarded to Gav as you wrote me to do so. Now I send the turn to you again - hoping you 'puter is working.

              As I played the turn before I saw the small wishes from the americans - then the american might be a little unhappy to see, my harrassing continues. I have not replayed the turn.

              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • #8
                In retaliation for Zulu harrassment of American colonists. Japanese naval vessels have confiscated all Zulu cargo from australia. We will not repeat this again oh Shaka.. Leave our friends alone



                • #9
                  Oh yes Turn to Stavros......

                  Max our harrassment will continue unless of course you cease yours. Submarine captain is on standbye for orders next turn.

                  All pirated funds have gone to the Australian fund for American familys. The fund helps american Colonists Struggling to survive in the Outback.


                  • #10
                    "United States of America constructed their first wonder of the world, GlobeSat! People are celebrating all over the country for this great achivement. It will offer us the ability to defend ourselves more efficiently against the brutals and provide our allies with useful informations. Be careful, America is watching you!

                    Our neighbors the Zulus like to joking around with our patience. Unfortunately we don't have any patience for you anymore. You had your chance...

                    I thank my Japanese ally for his support!

                    The theocratic state will continue its existance until it is changed to a more efficient way of governing but its head's title will change from High Priest to President. Our leader will be known as President Constantine from now on!"

                    Press Bureau

                    Turn 136 to Swissy.


                    • #11
                      Turn to Saddamoto.

                      In that case, it leaves us the Zulus no choice but try to seek an agreement with our old allies, the assyrians.

                      As for now, we have no formal documents ready, but we shall not in words nor in action harm or embarrash our great neighbour.

                      So it was decided.

                      Chairman Aegnor
                      HighPriest Shaka
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #12
                        Japan looks good these days. With the discovery of Genetics soon our scientists announce they will soon send a primate into space

                        With the modernization of the armed forces. The first armored battalion rolled out of the factory today. And the ranks of Imperial Gaurd Fascists are thickening. As well as a dozen Machine gunners and heavy artillery.

                        We are now promoting the building of drug stores and modernizing the navy and Airforces. We thank President Constantine for his gifts. We also praise Swissy for being pro-active in fighting the scourge of Pollution. We hope the Chairman pressures the Zulu's to reduce there output...



                        • #13
                          Wonders being built left right and centre. Cultural, scientific, and political revolutions.... Exciting times

                          Turn Sent


                          • #14
                            If you need a sub for King Thor, I'm interested
                            Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                            • #15
                              "United States of America welcomes the new German ruler

                              Farewell to our great and close friend General Thor.

                              We shall continue are close support of the German Republic and we hope that the new leader continues his predecessor policy and coolaboration between our nations."

                              President Constantine

                              Turn 137 to Swissy.

