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World Scenario Part VI

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Swissy
    Turn to The Bird Man

    Word from our embassy in Berlin has it that the German forces have been placed on alert. This must be a mistake, as their are no threats to German lands. If the Germans do not return to a state of peace, the Assyrian defense forces will have to go on alert also.
    Great Assyrian Leader,

    Our consulate informs us the Assyrian military's readiness is at war. Upon taking power, Chancellor Nuke noted his neighbors were placed on alert or higher. We seek only parity and the ability to defend ourselves if necessary.
    Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


    • #32
      I have not yet changed my alert status. I think differences in the past with the Assyrians have long since been settled. Regardless, our armed forces are modernized. Fully 21 modern battalion of Machine Gunners, Heavy Artilery, Fascists and Tanks are placed in the South east asia. We are confident the Assyrians would not make such a mistake to attack us.


      (we hope Nuke and Swissy reduce there readiness)


      • #33
        AOL is being really lame right now. So i will wait till morning to send er' out


        • #34
          Turn 140 to Saddamoto.

          The Zulu navy have been ordered into international waters - except those at the australian coastline, anchored up just outside a zulu city and therefore within zulu territorial waters.

          I have ordered our shipyards to build larger and stronger warships as well as fast destroyers to protect comming zulu traderoutes from piracy - protected by foreing governments or not.

          The next "accident" will be replied with an attack from a combined sea, air and ground task force.

          I can and will not say when such a reply will be launced - but it will come for sure.

          Be warned.

          Chairman Aegnor
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • #35
            Originally posted by TheBirdMan
            Turn 140 to Saddamoto.

            The Zulu navy have been ordered into international waters - except those at the australian coastline, anchored up just outside a zulu city and therefore within zulu territorial waters.

            I have ordered our shipyards to build larger and stronger warships as well as fast destroyers to protect comming zulu traderoutes from piracy - protected by foreing governments or not.

            The next "accident" will be replied with an attack from a combined sea, air and ground task force.

            I can and will not say when such a reply will be launced - but it will come for sure.

            Be warned.

            Chairman Aegnor
            Chairman Aegnor,

            Your threats have been noted but officials in Kyoto dont seem to be worried. They say the Zulu navy is little match for the Imperial fleet. Regardless of what you think. If an 'accident' occurs and the Zulu respond...I can assure you the Imperial Empire of Japan will lay waste to your fleets.....bombers.....and invasion task-forces.

            Consider yourself warned.....and your battleships are advised to move back further. More ships are moving up and they will soon be outtgunned 2:1 in battleships.


            • #36
              Turn to Keygen
              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


              • #37
                "I have stated my contradiction to the Assyrian rise of military readiness to war state but the Assyrian leader haven't responded. I presume that he will continue rising his readiness despite the fact that the other nations are still in stand down or on alert state. I estimate that further more rising will cause the rise of the readiness of the surrounding nations as well...

                As a precausion measurement I have ordered my scienctists to transfer our knowledge of Quantum Physics to my allies, the Germans and the Japanese.

                In addition I must warn that any unprovoked and unjustified attack against the Germans or the Japanese automatically will be consider as act of war against the United States!

                America will have nukes in a matter of few turns..."

                President Constantine

                Turn 141 to Swissy.


                • #38
                  I have not yet ordered a rise in military readiness. I see no need as of yet...We will take action on the issue in the future...we wait for other nations reactions we hope they go back to peace levels...for the sake of peace (and for there own production)



                  • #39
                    Spies lurk in the darkness!

                    But our Gestapo agents have thwarted there espionage attempts!

                    I have my suspicousions on whos responsible...

                    I have broken the Border pact made with the Assyrians. I cannot allow spys of Assyrian...or any other nationality to use the roads for quick hit and run spy missions. Therefor I have set up check points on Roads leading into Japan.

                    The Japanese 1st tank battalion rolled off the assembly line today. Whata a marvelous sight...the armed forces is gearing towards gettin a whole division of them soon. (5-9 units)

                    Pleased to report no more Zulu battleships spotted. Wise Choice Aegnor.....


                    • #40


                      Maybe not

                      Time will show
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by TheBirdMan


                        Maybe not

                        Time will show
                        Are you Mocking/Threatening me

                        (No really, what the hell are you talking about )


                        • #42
                          "Communique in"

                          Diplomatic Communique to the Assyrian embassy...


                          Transmitting message.....

                          Our counter-intellegence agents have confirmed that Assyrian spys did enter the city of Yokohoma. Please rely this message to the Ministry of Assyrian intellegence and to all it may concern at the top of the chain of command.

                          Tojo Junchiro of the JSS has issued this statement from General Fujimora to the embassy,

                          Any Assyrian spys caught in Japanese lands will be apprehended and put on trial...we have asked German spies to aid us in tracking down those responsible. War readiness has been raised.... Explanation from Assyrian president demanded.

                          Inchiro, International Telegraph services. Transmissin #522

                          "Communinque out"


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Keygen
                            America will have nukes in a matter of few turns..."
                            Assyria is currently in possesion of a sizable number of nuclear devices. We have named each missle for an Assyrian city, soon we will run out of names

                            And as for assyrian spies in foreign lands. Deal with them as you think you must, and our response will be excessive
                            "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Swissy

                              Assyria is currently in possesion of a sizable number of nuclear devices. We have named each missle for an Assyrian city, soon we will run out of names

                              And as for assyrian spies in foreign lands. Deal with them as you think you must, and our response will be excessive
                              A war would most definetaly consume our nations into a fiery holocaust. As you well know...Japan is also in possession of a few "Big ones"

                              Dont push yer luck


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Swissy
                                Assyria is currently in possesion of a sizable number of nuclear devices. We have named each missle for an Assyrian city, soon we will run out of names
                                " As far as I know all nations have the capability to construct nuclear devices. Some might already poses such devices. What makes you think that a nuclear attack on your behalf against Japan which will cause the subversion of current world balance will not cause a similar responce from the rest nations against you?

                                It is clear now that the Assyrians are warmongers and their true cause is to enslave the entire Asia and Europe. I cannot find other reason since they have never been provoked by any of their neighbors.

                                Stop threatening the rest of the world Assyrian leader!
                                There are other ways less dangerous to prosper..."

                                President Constantine

