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Teamhorses 5

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  • #31

    It seems I can not reach you by mail so I post here. Darth and I did receive a mail that said you had sent the turn to us. However, the turn itself was not enclosed. Please send the turn again.

    Franses (like Ramses).


    • #32
      I'm back from vacation.

      Franses if you have still problem to send email on, send turn ti
      Zobo Ze Warrior
      Your brain is your worst enemy!


      • #33
        I resent it. Is it Ok? (In my Sent mail box there was a file atached...)
        What ever you do, always think first!


        • #34
          Zobo and Aeroprinz,

          Thanks for your reaction. We now received the turn and sent it on. I also changed the e-mail address of Zobo.
          Franses (like Ramses).


          • #35
            Where's the turn, I played and sent turn 102 but I don't if he was already played !
            Zobo Ze Warrior
            Your brain is your worst enemy!


            • #36

              It was played and sent to Blackice two days ago. It should be at Nimrod now but I know he has some problems with his disk. Please take over if he is not able to play.
              Franses (like Ramses).


              • #37
                Egyptian and Geek Leaders,

                We have been forced to call upon your enemies, the Mongols, for assistance to combat your war of aggreesion. Darth you may be dong well in the north, but you should watch your southern border! End this war now while you have a chance

                BTW Turn to Zo
                Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                • #38
                  Turn played last day.
                  Zobo Ze Warrior
                  Your brain is your worst enemy!


                  • #39
                    Mongol position on current world politics

                    The weakest empire in the world, the Welsh, are being visiously attacked by the Greeks and Egyptins. We, the Mongols, wish to know why you two big brothers are attacking such a little baby nation who has yet to find a friend in the world? The real enemy is the Scots. Even as I speak, they are amassing an army near my border. They are currently at war with my ally and I'm sure its not going well on his front. Should my borders fall, do you think wasting troops and resources by attacking a child nation would help you? We can only hope you will open your eyes to the real enemy before its too late.
                    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                    • #40
                      Irish position about Welsh/Greek War.

                      This war is none of our Business. But I agree with my ally that now, whatever the Welsh people did to the greek folk, they deserve no more destruction and slaughter.

                      About the situation with our actual enemy, we will continue our war actions. We are still demanding to the Leader of Scots the disbanding of their city near my city of Portmanock. And I ask to Sir BlackIce to respect the border treaty as a fair Lord, not a vulgar lawyer.
                      Zobo Ze Warrior
                      Your brain is your worst enemy!


                      • #41
                        Turn resent
                        Zobo Ze Warrior
                        Your brain is your worst enemy!


                        • #42
                          What's up with the game. I foregt when I played last time!!
                          What ever you do, always think first!


                          • #43
                            We are not able to transfer the file from Zobo to Darth. It happened before. Zobo resends but so fat it did not help.
                            Experience in this matter learns that at some point in time we will succeed and get the game upto speed again.
                            Franses (like Ramses).


                            • #44
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • #45
                                First I sent from
                                Then I resent it from !

                                I will try again !
                                Zobo Ze Warrior
                                Your brain is your worst enemy!

