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  • #46
    Keygen, I am sure the young fresh blood of the civleague team, would be delighted to watch the congealed aging blood of the old bloods spill readily.....
    He's back after a fashion...


    • #47
      Hey, a new game ! Good news !

      Count me in ! I only have one game in progress for now so i've got time...


      • #48
        cool Sid,

        we need a perma-sub for quinns in a few games.

        Aww the suspense on this one is killing me


        • #49
          Havn't heard from Jon yet.

          Keygen, think you should join team PBEM.

          Faded Saddam - not that I do not want you - but the other team needs one, that can make a story for their side of the game. Blackice is not exactly known to tell a tail.
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • #50
            Havn't heard from Jon yet.
            LC thread he said he blew his HD installing XP

            Faded Saddam - not that I do not want you - but the other team needs one, that can make a story for their side of the game. Blackice is not exactly known to tell a tail
            Its up to them, I would prefer to get in this game because there are lots of good players under one roof. I just cant pass up oppurtunity like that. If Blackice team accepts me, that fine too


            • #51
              Ok. So ? What do i do ? Which games need permanent sunstitutes ? Which thread ?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Siderakis
                Ok. So ? What do i do ? Which games need permanent sunstitutes ? Which thread ?
                Team Spirit
                Replacing Arthur (Germans).
                Team game, 4 teams of 2 players each.
                Power graph position is average.

                High Voltage
                Replacing Eohian (Americans)
                Deathmatch, 6 players.
                Last position on the power graph.


                • #53
                  Team PBEM are ready I think:


                  Team MP is also ready I saw.

                  Surprisingly for me now is, that Saddam and Franses now stand outside any team?

                  Should there be a 3rd team = 2 games. We might have Saddam and Franses. Siderakis might also be interested. Then ONE MORE HERE?!?!?!??

                  Who will be collecting prefs and launching the game(s)? Gav???

                  I do not care if we should use a random map, just the shape is donut. Then no nation will be completely surrounded by the other alliance.

                  If we choose the world shape, then yes - we have to make some sort of balanced map.
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #54
                    Let the blood run free....

                    Set it up!!! Time to start the campaign!!
                    Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                    • #55
                      Okay then lets have your preferences!!

                      1: Leader Name and Civ & email
                      2: Difficulty
                      3: Earth or Donut
                      4: Pollution on or off
                      5: Map Size (huge or gigantic)
                      6: Barbarian threat
                      7: Map Slider Settings
                      8: Suggested win Conditions
                      9: Any other requirements
                      10: Your team leader

                      For me I say:

                      1: Gavrushka, English,
                      2: King
                      3: Donut
                      4: Pollution On
                      5: Gigantic Map
                      6 Ruins Only
                      7 Two continents game, high trade goods, high wetness
                      8: Win condition capture of two capital cities (no moving capitals)
                      9: Editied Map for grouped Alliance Starting conditions, no Nukes, no wonders
                      10 Team leader Blackice!
                      He's back after a fashion...


                      • #56
                        1: Shaka Fuzz: Zulu:
                        2: Deity
                        3: Doughnuts mmmmmmmm
                        4: Pollution Off
                        5: Gigantic Map
                        6: Raging Hordes
                        7: 8 wet, 9 goods, 8 continent, 8 ocean, 7 warmth.
                        8: Complete annhilation, or concession of game by team leader.
                        9: 24hr RULE!!! (Enforced) No nukes, No wonders. Edited map for even starting ground.
                        10: Anyone in my team. (It'd be a little hard if my team leader was part of the opposition.)
                        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by TheBirdMan
                          Surprisingly for me now is, that Saddam and Franses now stand outside any team?
                          Na thats ok

                          I guess ill sit this one out. Gl team pbem...ill be reading your thread


                          • #58

                            1: Bird of the (an english talking nation except the australians, which is reserved for Lung):
                            2: Deity
                            3: Donut
                            4: Pollution ON
                            5: Gigantic Map
                            6: Raging Hordes
                            7: 5 wet, 6 goods, 6 continent, 5 ocean, 6 warmth.
                            8: 2 nations destroyed - the other alliance wins.
                            9: 24hr RULE!!! (Enforced) YES to nukes, wonders - do not care. Edited map: Dosn't matter as long as the worldshape is donut. If one player gets a bad start, then it must be up to his allies to help him out. No exchange/gifts of techs before all (BOTH teams) have met their allies. Exchange/gifts of map and gold allowed from the start.
                            10: Fixed teams - no backstabbing here! .
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #59
                              1: Swissy of the Irish:
                              2: Deity
                              3: Donut
                              4: Pollution ON
                              5: Gigantic Map
                              6: Raging Hordes
                              7: Don't care
                              8: 2 nations destroyed - the other alliance wins.
                              9: Tech excahnge as soon as you meet. If you can take out wonders that would be great. YES to nukes.

                              10: ?
                              "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                              • #60
                                I'm fully interested in playing this game and facing the strongest ctp players of the world , but , can i still be in ? Does somebody want me in his team ? I hope so. Bird ?

