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Quinns Says Goodbye

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  • #16
    bye bye Quins !
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #17
      Quinns, thank you so much for maintaining the ratings system all this will be sorely missed by all CtP PBEMers here!

      God bless in whatever you are off to do....

      Hope you drop by once in a while to check on us.
      The Civilization Gaming Network


      • #18
        Love your work Quinns And you will be missed a great deal on the boards here. Hopefully you'll still get time to drop us all a line every now and then, or perhaps join us in the lobby sometime.
        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


        • #19
          Goodbye Quins, thanks for helping to make this community what it is.


          • #20
            Well... Very much thanks for those great words!! That makes it even harder to go.

            I leave the rating system in the responsible hands of Gavrushka, who has volunteered to do the updates and administer grievances. Please help him out if you can!

            Farewell my friends! Until next time...


            • #21
              guilty feelings

              Hi Quinns. sad to see you go.

              I had just met you over the net last week for the first time, unfortunately you only had 30 mins.

              I now have visions of you sitting in front of your computer, then I come on-line. Your head drops and you think to yourself "oh no it's Boney, time to get out of here". '' You can feel the latent potential of this player, and the feeling is one of fear. Even your screen began to flicker ''. You knew it was time to go before the new king of ctp came to rule the roost.

              Oh I only wish it was true.''

              All the best Quinns, you have been doing a great job, and appreciated by many. I hope you still keep in touch through posts every now and then.

