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CTP Internet Ratings (12-SEP-2001)

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  • #46
    Souds great to me. I will squeeze it into my schedule. I can do that from Wednesday evening to Saturday afternoon (GMT+1 time). E-mail me and we will find a good time to play.

    Looking forward to it,

    Franses (like Ramses).


    • #47
      Internet play newbie questions here...

      I was in a game last week and kept hearing a beeping sound, what was that? Is there a chat function while playing the game or only from the lobby? Why is the sky blue?
      Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

      Hebrews 9:27


      • #48
        Yes Pat, ther is a chat function implemented at the game, the sound is an invitation to you to join the chat window, indicate when a player have write something at the chat.

        To enter the chat press the key ' I think it's the ASCII 39

        About the sky blue:

        The beauty of the sky is not more than the result of the interaction of the LIGHT of the Sun with the atmosphere. An amount of humidity, relatively small, accompanied by ash and dust particles is sufficient to cause in the sky the multiple manifestations of color.

        The secret of the blue color of the sky this related to the composition of the solar light - integrated by the different colors from the arc rainbow and to the humidity of the atmosphere. (the Sun is the one who is in charge to try to the air its humidity. With his heat, it causes that it leaves from the water of the terrestrial surface evaporates. In invisible but incessant current, the humidity goes towards the sky from the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers; from the ground, the plants and the bodies of the animals and the man).

        In order to explain the blue color of the sky, we imagine that we let pass a ray of sun through a glass prism. The light is opened in a fan of colors (it disperses) by refraction and as result of this dispersion we see a range of colors: blue, green, yellow and red violet. The violet ray is the one there that is had separated but of the direction of the white ray and this indeed the explanation of the color of the sky. The deviation is Maxima for rays of short wavelength (violet and blue), and minim for those of long wavelength (yellow and red), that are almost not turned aside. The violet and blue rays, once turned aside, hit other air particles and again they vary its trajectory, and so on: they make, then, a dance in zigzag in the air before reaching the terrestrial ground. When, finally they arrive at our eyes, they do not seem to come directly from the Sun, but that arrives to us from all the regions of the sky, as in rain form fine. For that reason the sky seems to us blue, while the Sun appears of yellow color, because the yellow and red rays little are turned aside and go almost directly in straight line from the Sun to our eyes.

        If we deepened a little more, the explanation is more complex. The light is an electromagnetic wave and the fundamental pieces of the matter in their more frequent Earth state, are the atoms. If the existing particles in the atmosphere, have an equal or inferior size to the one of the wavelength of the incident light (isolated atoms or small molecules), the wave yields part of their energy to the atomic crust that begins to oscillate, so that a first effect of the interaction of the light with small particles of the air is that the incident radiation is debilitated when yielding part of its energy, which happens to him to the light of the Sun when it crosses the atmosphere. Evidently this energy does not remain stored in the air, because any atom or small particle whose crust is shaken, ends up broadcasting all its electromagnetic waveform energy to the surroundings in any direction. The complete process of cession and remission of energy by particles of atomic size denominates diffusion of RAYLEIGH (in honor of the English physicist Lord Rayleigh that was first in giving explanation him) being the intensity of the light spread inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. The diffusion will be greater therefore, for the shortest waves: As a result of it, we reached the same conclusion, the violet light is spread and the minus, the red one. The net result is that it leaves from the light that arrives to us from the Sun in straight line, when reaching the atmosphere spreads in all directions and full all the sky.

        The color of the sky, would have to be violet being this one the shorter wavelength, but it is not it, for two reasons fundamentally: because the solar light contains more blue light than violet and because the human eye (that really is the one that catches the images - although the brain it interprets them -), he is more sensible to the blue light that to the violet.

        The blue color of the sky must therefore to the greater diffusion of the short waves . Color of sun is yellow-reddish and not white, because if to the white light coming from the Sun - that is extreme of all the colors takes off the blue color to him, it is obtained a light of yellow-red color.

        By Mª Isabel Suero López
        Last edited by berXpert; October 25, 2001, 18:50.


        • #49

          Thanks for the answers...
          Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

          Hebrews 9:27


          • #50
            Good one!

            Ber, I bet your daughter has already asked you that question before
            "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


            • #51
              wow berX

              Wow BerXpert
              I did not realise you were so knowledgeable. Now how about the the important questions such as where did 'baseball' originate, and who coined the word 'soccer'

              I will be around this weekend, just let me know when and the time here. I will then let you know if I will be there. Or even better e-mail me. This is a message for all. Preferable time 3pm english, or 9pm here.



              • #52
                No jpww, my girl had only 2 years and can't make that question, she ask by now "what is it?" I guess she is learning by repetition of the words making an association to the object she ask.

                She knows colors, numbers from 1 to 20, and 15 or more letters, it's a kind of cool listen when she call the letters by their name every where there is a word written, I bet she could start reading even before she can speak fluid.

                But I'm getting prepared for those questions since now


                Boney I'm not realy informed about sports but here I go:

                Baseball origin:

                Although who attributes itself to his origin to the English Crockett, as she happens to many sports is difficult to exactly determine the origin of the Baseball, could go back to few as distant as the Egypt of the Pharaohs (the Lapta) or Czarist Russia.

                Nevertheless, the students of the subject agree in indicating to Abner Doubleday and Alexander Cartwright as the authentic creators of beisbol. Abner Doubleday, student of the famous military school of West Point, created in the middle of the last century, a called game " Town-ball " in which two equipment integrated by four or five players, had to fight to arrive first a the 21 races.

                Alexander Cartwright is the other man to whom he adjudges to the responsibility of baseball, since he dedicated himself to complete the rules and was an enthusiastic promoter of the competitions, creating matches for fans who were the seed that he generated what he knows himself in our days as Major Leagues.

                The great leagues were disputed for the first time in 1876, when the competition of National League would be organized, American League appeared in 1901.

                Who coined the word soccer:

                It's true that the game known as "football" in most of the world (not just the UK) is known as "soccer" in the US, Brits actually invented the word. "Soccer," when it first appeared in the 1890s, was spelled "socca," which was short for "association" or "association football," meaning football played according to the rules laid down by the British Football Association. It was also called "socker" until the current form "soccer" appeared around 1895.

                As a bonus topical aside, the origin of this odd word soccer lies in a bit of British public schoolboy slang of the end of last century. There were then two forms of football. One was rugby football, the one that uses the oval ball that you were allowed to pick up and run with, named after the public school where it originated. In short rugby, it was informally termed rugger, the -er ending then being a common way to form slangy terms. The other kind, under the rules of the Football Association, was formally named association football. A short form of this was obviously essential, and it was shortened in imitation of rugger by taking the second syllable of association and adding the -er ending to form soccer. No doubt the apparent association with the verb sock, 'to hit', helped it to become popular.


                About playing this weekend I'm afraid I can't. I'll take those days to visit Guanajuato 'cos there is a cultural festival called "Cervantino" and people from all the world came to show their cultural manifestations.

                I hope I can play next week.

                Ce ya!


                • #53
                  Light and color cool happens to be my job Did you know that color here in Canada is different than color in say England?

                  Game anyone?
                  “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                  Or do we?


                  • #54
                    CTP Internet Game result

                    Game { Mountain hill}
                    Players {Blackice, Franses}
                    Finishing order {Franses, Blackice}
                    The map revealed islands with hills and mountains only. More mountains than hills in fact. A strange environment for me, which however worked out far better than I had expected. We had a wonderfull 6 hour straight gaming experience. We went up rather equal untill we reached the modern era. After that my science skyrocketed away and also my PG-ranking went up faster than Blackice's. I was able to surround my opponent with submarines and could protect efficiently using listening posts all over. Blackice being 7 or so sciences behind had neither of them. When I was on the verge of eliminating all his ships that were out in the open by my subs, we had to stop for dinner. Unfortunately we were not able to play on later although we tried several times and I spent many hours on it. No matter what, I very much enjoyed this game. Thanks Blackice.
                    Franses (like Ramses).


                    • #55
                      Hi guys, I have a day off today, so if you want to play I'm free.

                      I'm going to send some mails after I do some home stuff but I'll be checking here for a meeting


                      • #56
                        Good Game Franses!! Sorry about the finish but again a very important family matter came up and finishing a three week old game is just not fun

                        Ok Saturday at 10 anyone up for it?
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • #57
                          I can saturday but a little bit late, I play Squash in the mourning, so maybe after 13:00


                          • #58
                            Sounds good Ber we will email ok?
                            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                            Or do we?


                            • #59
                              Who is playing today?
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • #60
                                I am

