I'm back! Look forward to the turn in an hour or so...
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Lung's FAST! pbem - Part X
Obviously there's not much happening in the Netherlands with Paul receiving, opening, playing, closing, sending, and posting all within eight minutes
Meanwhile, in war news.....
The noose tightens around the collective Roman neck, with another 6 Roman cities falling to the might of the Australian fascist forces. Roman casualties were heavy, while Australian casualties were restricted to a couple of ships and fighter jets. Australian troops are now attacking on four fronts in order to spread the risk of Roman nuclear counter-strike, yet all four are making significant headway. Many of the Roman cities are now isolated from each other, with the main Roman industrial centres nearly exposed to their eventual occupation.
Despite numerical inferiority, roman troops have repeatedly suffered tactical losses, with their forces being continually outmanouvered.
The only hope for Roman salvation seems to lie in global catastrophe, with Australian scientists again predicting that catastrophe is nigh, being expected within the year! However, Roman scientists are predicting 18 years, presumably in a feeble attempt to justify their outrageous pollution.
There is still hope. Australian scientists have developed what they call "eco-transit", which has successfully been implemented in the Australian city of Utrecht, resulting in the seemingly impossible - negative pollution!This breakthrough has resulted in great strides being done to eliminate the global threat of worldwide flooding. When Rome is finally conquered, Australia will be able to eliminate all significant pollution and save the world from the threat of self-destruction from pollution. First we will save the world from Roman tyranny, then we will save the world from environmental disaster
With Australian troops now entrenched on the Roman mainlands, conquest of Rome is inevitable.
Turn to Lung.
Roman patriots are still able to make serious damage to the australian forces.
I do not know how many soldiers, fusiontanks, battleships and airplanes with more, the australian lost this time. But it will not be the last time.
Chairman Maximus.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
The winged one is indeed a worthy opponent! Of course, i haven't seen the turn yet, but there's nothing worse than an opponent who simply lays down and dies. Fortunately, this does not appear to be the case here. Soon, the outer reaches of the Roman empire will be ours, then the final push on the main Roman mainland will be on in earnest. Then i'm sure the Australian troops will have a bloody fight on their hands.
It is truly an honour to meet The Great Bird in battle, as short as it may be
It's a pity i've been able to expose a flaw in CTP warfare, but it's a perfectly legitimate tactic. Max, i'm sure you can figure out what it is by the version of events that appear on your turn from my attacks. At least Civ3 will not have the same flaw.
Two cities were liberated by Romans after resorting to nuclear weapons. However, this proved to be only a minor setback as the cities were immediately recaptured. Two more Roman cities, including Londinium, one of the highest polluting cities, were captured, leaving just one isolated city on that continent. Two other major Roman cities on the mainland have also succumbed to the glorious Aussies. As reinforcements come in behind each front, the stage is becoming set for a final showdown, and Don Bradman II expects his great rival to put up a fight!!
General Mobius will be acting commander-in-chief of the Australian Combined Armed Forces for the weekend festivities
Turn 243 to Stavros 14 hours ago.