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Lung's FAST! pbem - Part X

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  • #31
    I sory apolygise I have the wrong tread

    Drunken 2 am, too much beer and fried chickun


    • #32
      Turn to Lung.

      Chairman Maximus has introduced a new military doctrine to his generals and admirals:

      All submarines, destroyers and battleships has been ordered back to their habours. Pollution should from now be controlled. All other ressources should be used to increase our active airdefense.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • #33

        A national day of mourning has been announced for the troubled citizens of Bombay. So, it's violent history has ended in the most horrific way of all After being invaded, counter-invaded, and re-conquered numerous more times, the descendants now lie in a watery grave!

        So, the Australian scientists were right after all! I guess it's no wonder then, that we're leading the science race

        Fortunately, Bombay was the only Australian city to vanish off the face of the earth, although many others were exposed or isolated in the aftermath. Spy satellites show no other major cities around the world destroyed, at least as far as we can tell.

        Australian scientists originally predicted another, even larger flooding in 33 years, which has since been revised to 28 years! The Romans have been warned of the possible ramifications of letting pollution get out of control, and recent large fluctuations in the Global Pollution Index show that Rome has been struggling in recent times.

        Australian military intelligence has known for some time that Rome has put it's military on war status, and now questions aloud why Rome is giving priority to defence when pollution threatens to destroy the world!! Be warned, that if Rome continues on this path, Australia will be forced to follow suit. Tension could be released if Rome reduced it's military to merely "on alert" instead of it's current hostile stance It is also worth noting that Australia has finished it's National Shield network, and every Australian city is now protected by a forcefield.

        The Global Polution Index also shows that other nations have shown marked increases in pollution recently, and urge restraint.

        Turn 230 to Stavros 10 hours ago.


        • #34
          Turn 231 to TheBirdMan


          • #35
            Turn to Lung.

            Short message to my dear australian collegue.

            Sooner or later you are going to break your neck. Brutal force cannot save your country. Your nation will revolt due to the nature of your government and your pure belief in capitalism. The workers will raise against you. I have seen this recently and just you wait. The anger of the subdued common australian workers will hit you too.

            The roman nation have now choosen a quite different way. We have reduces the alertstand of our armed forces. We have reused all ressources of our former strong navy, only ships left are now ferries, left for public use only.

            The roman people are now going to gain within their own nation, what have been lost in a stupid war against what have shown to be an aggressive, babarian and militaristic nation.

            Chairman Maximus.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #36
              Originally posted by TheBirdMan
              The workers will raise against you.
              Raise? Too much yeast, i suppose


              • #37
                Yes they will revolt. Sooner or later they will .

                More than one time, the strongest nation has been strucked to earth in a very short time, due to internal problems. So we wait .
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #38
                  Uh-oh! Tweety's talking in riddles again!! What the hell are you talking about, Tweety?

                  Of course, you do realise that if anything happens to Australia, Rome shall feel my WRATH!

                  The world's first Fusion plant has come online, elevating the Romans to the dubious honour of being the world's biggest polluter The second global environmental catastrophe cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances, so be warned about allowing any substantial rises in pollution. Eventually, it may be necessary for Rome to reduce pollution considerably, so contigency plans must be made now in the event of another catastrophe becoming imminent.

                  Turn 231 to Stavros 10 hours ago.


                  • #39
                    Of course, you do realise that if anything happens to Australia, Rome shall feel my WRATH!

                    Common. Scare me . More .

                    Be aware, Rome is not scared by a New Zealand shepherd in disguise

                    Out of game and roleplay also: Take a look on the canadians in the US-game. Just a hint of what can happen.
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #40
                      Turn Sent


                      • #41
                        Yeah lung some advice

                        Don't build the Egalitarian Act Wonder in a very slow game, those five turns were over a month.


                        • #42
                          Last edited by Max Webster; September 26, 2001, 17:18.


                          • #43
                            Turn 232 to TheBirdMan


                            • #44
                              Turn to Lung.

                              Further meassures to bring down pollution has been taken this turn.

                              The lower workhour have had an unexpected but mostly appriciated effect. Roman men and women has a much longer time together - it seems like both sexes are saying all the time .
                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                              • #45
                                Max, have you been upsetting our Canadian friend? I've been trying to get under his skin for years without success I was even thinking about getting a Kiwi onto him, as they can get under anyone's skin! So, what's your secret, O' Deluded One?

