Me and Birdman were debating this earlier, at his suggestion I made a thread to get a wider opinion of all the people here.
ok, I think most of you know were I stand on this issue. I dont build any Scientific/Happiness improvements.More often then not, people will build an academy in a far off city and forgot to even appoint scientists, so it does not have any effect. Occasionally tho I will build a University, Academy, Publishing house all in one city and max its scientists, which can be pretty effective scientifically if the city is pretty large(size 10+). Its even better when the galileo telescope is in the city, like I have in another world. (+400% science, +50% +25%+25%= lots of science points)
My Arguement:
Ok but really whats the point in Temples,theatres and Cathedrals
Anybody can keep there people happy with simple sliders. So why bother building these improvements? I have inherited a few civs with Theatres in size 1-4 cities, which are blatantly useless unless you appoint entertainers (which there never are any). More often then not, smaller civs with less money tend to build Cathedrals,temples, and Hospital in most of there cities. But do you really guys know how much these structures cost?
I certainly do! To maintain a half dozen cathdrals costs 80 gold a turn. To maintain a temple in all 50 cities, costs 50 gold. To maintain Hospitals, Incubation centers, Colisuem's costs even larger bundles of cash. So where does the cash come from? Where else! Your overall budget. You will notice as soon as you start building these things, your science surplus shrinks right away. Thus is why people often get into negative cash flows at times.
of course if you have London Exchange and 2000 gold surplus, you can afford it. But anything under this makes it a burden wether the player knows its a burden or not.
my idea- Save the money for more important structures, Airports, Oil Refinerys, Factorys, Recycle bins..etc
So what do you think?
ok, I think most of you know were I stand on this issue. I dont build any Scientific/Happiness improvements.More often then not, people will build an academy in a far off city and forgot to even appoint scientists, so it does not have any effect. Occasionally tho I will build a University, Academy, Publishing house all in one city and max its scientists, which can be pretty effective scientifically if the city is pretty large(size 10+). Its even better when the galileo telescope is in the city, like I have in another world. (+400% science, +50% +25%+25%= lots of science points)
My Arguement:
Ok but really whats the point in Temples,theatres and Cathedrals

Anybody can keep there people happy with simple sliders. So why bother building these improvements? I have inherited a few civs with Theatres in size 1-4 cities, which are blatantly useless unless you appoint entertainers (which there never are any). More often then not, smaller civs with less money tend to build Cathedrals,temples, and Hospital in most of there cities. But do you really guys know how much these structures cost?
I certainly do! To maintain a half dozen cathdrals costs 80 gold a turn. To maintain a temple in all 50 cities, costs 50 gold. To maintain Hospitals, Incubation centers, Colisuem's costs even larger bundles of cash. So where does the cash come from? Where else! Your overall budget. You will notice as soon as you start building these things, your science surplus shrinks right away. Thus is why people often get into negative cash flows at times.
of course if you have London Exchange and 2000 gold surplus, you can afford it. But anything under this makes it a burden wether the player knows its a burden or not.
my idea- Save the money for more important structures, Airports, Oil Refinerys, Factorys, Recycle bins..etc
So what do you think?