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Team Spirit 5 - Turn List

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  • #46
    "Sad to hear that King Franses. My condolences for the death of civilians. Are you sure that you didn't provoked the great Persian king? Perhaps your support to your maniac ally, the Mayans was the cause? Renounce your pact with him and join us in a crusade against him. The world can be a better place to live without the corrupted Keleborn."

    King Constantine

    Turn 65 to Arthur/King Thor & Krash.


    • #47
      I have played Arthur's turn and sent it to Maestro / Stavros.


      • #48
        Turn to Swissy/Keygen and Krash.

        Time to stop talking.
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #49
          Played King Thors turn and sent it to Stavros / Maestro.


          • #50
            King Constantine,

            Their was no provoking on my side and so none was reported by the Persian agressor. Be aware King Constantine who you ally with. The Persians may be a dagger in your back if alone because they seem to involve every peacefull nation in a war against them by overrunning whoever they encounter. We have been stupid enough to think that peace could last forever. The Persians showed us this was not possible. We trust that you will not join them in their evil crusade.
            Franses (like Ramses).


            • #51
              Turn Sent


              • #52
                "King Franses,

                I won't join any crusade against you. I do not wish and I don't intent to do so unless you provoke me. You have proved yourself an exellent neighbor and man of word.

                However your ally, King Keleborn unprovoked first attacked both me and the Persians and he is not willing to ask for apology and end this bloody war between us! I do not approve what King Swissy did but I am sure that he did what he did from preconception against you since you are still the ally of the maniac and could turn against him in the near future. If this is true and you were preparing to aid the Mayans against the Persians then in my opinion he did well.

                Force your brother to make peace and pay the damages he caused and I shall force King Swissy to make peace with you and repay you for the loss of your city."

                King Constantine


                • #53
                  King Constantine,

                  Much of what you mentioned in your last post is appreciated by the Incan but we do not understand why we are blamed for actions by our allies. I did not blame you for the action of the Persians, did I? I do not expect you to compensate us for what the Persians have done. I want them to compensate us. The persians should realize that the world watches their aggressive actions and, if they are wise, the world will join us in our effort to make this a peacefull world. The chances that the Persians are part of such a peacefull world are getting smaller by every day they refuse to apologies to us and compensate us.

                  Pharao Franses
                  Franses (like Ramses).


                  • #54
                    "King Franses,

                    I do not accuse you for any action of your brother. I just try to explain the reasons that might have lead the Persians to attack you.

                    You are an ally with the Mayans and if you talk to them they might listen to you. The same goes for me and my ally. I can and I will with the help of my brother destroy the Mayans if they continue this unwanted war against us but this could lead to serious implications between our nations and I wouldn't like that since you are a trusted and respected neighbor.

                    But you must understand that if the Mayans continue harrasing me and causing me troubles I will have no choice but to vanish them from the face of the earth and I am confident that in this case you will join your brother against me and there is no reason for this to happen. We can short this out and all four of us sign a peace treaty. This war is delaying our progress but be sure that I can and I will destroy the Mayans if they keep fighting me. Remember that it was him who unprovoked attacked me and the Persians causing all this."

                    King Constantine


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Franses
                      Pharao Franses
                      I didn't know that the Incans had pharaos


                      • #56
                        And the greeks do not have a king anymore (we, the danes, should know, we gave the greek people a queen - but they didn't like her either)
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • #57
                          "Today it was the first time that Greek forces attacked Mayan forces. The results were quite good.

                          1. The southeast Mayan division (7 units) near Megara was utterly annihilated with minor casualties

                          2. The northeast Mayan division (9 units) suffered heavy casualties from a smaller army losing 6 units and surviving only 2 cannons and 1 slaver

                          The King is content with the current progress of the Greek-Mayan war and beleives that soon Keleborn will suffer greater casualties and forced to peace!"

                          Athens News

                          Turn 66 to Arthur/King Thor & Krash.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by TheBirdMan
                            And the greeks do not have a king anymore (we, the danes, should know, we gave the greek people a queen - but they didn't like her either)

                            But back then we did


                            • #59

                              My apologies, Keygen. I normally play the Egyptians. That's why.

                              Letter to all peacefull nations:
                              Terrible rumours were brought to our capital today. It seems that the Greeks without any further warning attacked our beloved brothers, the Mayans. It is clear now for all to see that the Greeks and the Persian agression will not end untill all other civilizations are slaughtered. Free nations of these world, you who are going to die soon, make your choice and stand up against these nations that without any regret kill soldiers and civilians alike.

                              Franses, Inca ruler
                              Franses (like Ramses).


                              • #60
                                Arthurs turn played and sent to Maestro / Stavros.

